Alien Deviant Circus profile picture

Alien Deviant Circus

About Me

Contraria sunt Complemento sophia si based upon the dissolution into chaos and the emancipation ov personnality from every kind ov dogma or ethical concept. It promotes total art ov destruction, liberated from every influence or static ethic. The metaphysical and philosophical thought is the dark thread ov his global concept which takes root from a strong personnal will and a reflexion upon non conditionned expression...
The Word links up around our own act ov deconditioning and pour possibility towars the absolute in which society defines all political or religious values. Moralism is an obstruction to our awakening...
Art, philosophy and drugz are the way ov this awakening towards Satan. We shall awake in order to match our vibration to his source and to arrange the manifste according to our will...
Let's draw our strengh from decay, let us sawmp with this source ov creativity, expression and death!!!
Order shall never rise from disorder again!!!
Dethroned mankind shall end his cycle in pain and dishonor!!!
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust....
Vae victis, and they'll be numerous!!!
Oderint dum metuant!!!
By nekronoiz at 2009-03-25
Totality emerges from totality.
Energy awakens from this extreme tension, it takes along the mouvement in its cycle of expansion and dissolution: STN is the ultimate reality, Pranayama, the harmonic game of evolution and regression. Being all and nothing, it's the source and the sum of the opposites that are taken along by the energy, as well as the partition. It's SHV SHKT, the essential angrogynous, Parama SHV, the ultimate reality from where spirit and matter arise.
Within unbelievable illusions man has to reach for STN in order to unexperiment his own divinity. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.... Multiple ways tend towards this goal, evil ways as well as right ways... Every one has to makes his choices, but ethic and dogmatism are slackening the rise towards the awakenig. They are just fables made by humans worryed to organise society according to their private belief in order to assure domination. They are just precepts for slaves!!!
Our decay is out strengh, it allows us to entirely dissolves ourselves into STN, the ultimate reality, the absolute totality. Our being is thereon transcended. It allows us to experience divinity.
Mankind has appeared as well as many other creatures. Its days are not eternal. Because of its pride he has proved his futility.
Vae Victis, and there will be many of them.
En To Pan Omegas
By nekronoiz at 2008-11-06
-Your end is in [y]our hands (demo 2004)
-En To Pan Omegas (demo 2006)
-Satanic Djiahd (Flamme noire 2008)
-En To Pan Omegas (Flamme Noire - releasing soon)

By nekronoiz at 2008-11-06
FUCK OFF AND DIE TO ALL Christians, Muslims, Jews and Pagans Bitch (praise one or many gods is the same shit fucking slaves, ancient paganism is dead, this is the law ov evolution), Communist, Nazi, Pacifist, Politics and social organisation, True idiot BM heads who follows the meanstream morron point ov view (kill yourself please your're like christians, just slaves). Alien Deviant Circus spread a metaphysical and esoterical thought based on evolution, individualism and strong will....
By nekronoiz at 2008-11-06
By nekronoiz at 2008-03-06
By nekronoiz at 2007-10-17
By nekronoiz at 2007-10-27
By nekronoiz at 2007-11-02
By nekronoiz at 2008-08-11I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 12/05/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Azat-Psy-Tantra [Fraktals, Hellish Spiral, Guitar, Annunciation, Artworks]
G.R.D [Guitar, Bass]
By nekronoiz at 2007-04-11
Influences: Alien Deviant Circus follow the left hand path!!! Worshipp Kaly and is influenced by Cynic philosophy, Chamanic trance, Kaly's awakening, Fetichisme, Sex, Photo, Art, Dream, Murder, Drugz!!! Absyntheroine close to lucifer!!!
By nekronoiz at 2007-03-21
By nekronoiz at 2007-03-21
Sounds Like: The primitive wave ov cosmos and chaos

Record Label: Alchemic Sound Museum, Flamme noire, SPR
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Chronique "En To Pan Omegas" Kaosguard

ALIEN DEVIANT CIRCUS "En To Pan Omega" (France) Avec un patronyme pareil, il est difficile d'imaginer que ce duo hors-du-commun d'Alien Deviant Circus fait un ...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 05:35:00 GMT

Interview-La voix des ombres

mercredi 24 septembre 2008 ALIEN DEVIANT CIRCUS Interview - Satanic Djihad... * * * Voilà une interview qui change ! ALIEN DEVIANT CIRCUS, géniteur d'un excellent ''Satanic Djihad'' chez Flamme N...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 05:27:00 GMT