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Vile Entity


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Anton Szandor LaVey's life a complete hoax? Never in the circus? Broke as they come? Jayne Mansfield's membership a publicity stunt? The Church Of Satan just a business proposition?
Great fucking move Avon, Anton, Barton and the rest of you! If it really was a joke, it was an extremely good one. The mass media who reported never investigated it...just like the people in Christ's time never paid attention to the fact that he was just a dumb carpenter crucified like many schizophrenics on orders from the Jewish hierarchy.
But, now, do you really think I give a fuck?
Zeena LaVey, if you did a curse when you split, and it took 8 years, I have news for you: It didn't take 8 years it just didn't work! Even if it did, it doesn't change the fact that you are nothing but what your father made you. Most Satanists, even those who were born well after, think of you as the 3 year old chewing gum on the altar during your baptism. I have a recording of it at home.
Micheal Aquino, funny man you are. I deeply respect much of your work but at least Anton LaVey didn't seem to take it so seriously. Your organization has become a shelter for powerless and powermad nutcases that you continually make into priests, and many people who join learn a great deal for awhile, and then can't stand putting up with the nattering of your clergy any longer and quit. Great organization, great ideas, bad application: If Set really chose those kinds of people for priests, he would have fired them the next day. Learn to control your organization before critizing the one you stole the idea from.
Anyone else, I read books and I either agree or disagree with what it is that's said. If you read a book because of the author's life, you are an idiot. I don't give a motherfuck who wrote The Satanic Bible. It makes sense to me and that counts. I don't care if Secret Life Of A Satanist is a lie as far as biography is concerned, in the interviews and statements that make it up, there's a hell of a lot of good advice.
The laws of Jesus and Jehovah aren't logical: you wouldn't follow them naturally if you didn't believe the myth behind them. Thus, Christians desperately defend their mythology and have us believe the most ridiculous things about parting seas, baby's in baskets, virgin births and 6 day creations.
Anton Szandor LaVey never claimed to be more than a human being. He may have falsely claimed to be a more exciting human being, but, unlike Jesus and the rest of the prophetic pathetics, he said what needed to be said.
The majority of people in western society follow the teachings of Anton LaVey and don't know it. We are taught to feel guilty for things to which no guilt is naturally attached, and this is pure stupidity. The majority of people are starting to admit it, many of them deriving ideas from Anton LaVey's philosophy but never giving credit. They're scared to.
For all the rumours about what LaVey was or was not, he has one important feature puts him miles ahead of the holy trinity:
He existed.

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My Blog

Medical Terms for your Fetishes!!!

  You have a specific fetish? Read below and find out what the experts call it. Acomoclitic - A preference for hairless genitals. Acousticophilia - Arousal from (certain) sounds. Acrophilia - Bei...
Posted by Vile Entity on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 06:12:00 PST

Murder in the Bible

Murder in the Bible (From     The act of murder is rampant in the Bible.  In much of the Bible, especially the Old Testament, there are laws that command that people...
Posted by Vile Entity on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 10:23:00 PST

Why Jesus?

Why Jesus? Jesus has been held in high regard by Christians and non-Christians alike. Regardless of whether he existed in history, or whether he was divine, many have asserted that the New Testament C...
Posted by Vile Entity on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 10:14:00 PST