Oh my gosh! What could it possibly be about me that one
would be interested in knowing? Oh well let me see, my name
is Stella and I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me(Phil 4:13). I am a person that love my Savior
and my mission in this life is to seek God with all my heart and soul, and to seek the lost to tell them all about
a man that walked this earth over 2000 years ago called
Jesus Christ. I want the lost, the hurting, the shut-in, the helpless, the outcast, the lonely, the depressed, the
disconsolate, the downtrodden, the oppressed, the tormented
the burden... to know that all Jesus ever wanted is to be
their Lord and Savior, their Redeemer, their Deliverer, their Healer, their Provider, their Help in time of need,
and to be their best friend... So I want to let all of my
heavenly Father's children know that they can find love,
peace, hope, joy, mercy, grace and favor in Jesus. How
marvelous it would be if only they knew that all things
are possible through Jesus if they believe and have faith
in Him.
What else could someone possibley want to know?
Well, I try to live my life to the fullest because life is
just a vapor and then it's gone in the blink of an eye. I
try so very hard to keep my eyes focused on Jesus, but when
I can't feel His presence, I launch out in faith and began
talking with Him anyway. I will not doubt His presence, for
I recall the many times He has been with me. So as I come to you with an open heart my Lord, I quiet my thoughts. I
sense Your Holy presence. Then I talk. And talk. And talk!
Thank you Lord, for listening to me, for helping me to hear
your still small voice. My heart cries out to think of how
You took all the world's sins on Yourself and became a living sacrifice. I can't comprehend how you went to hell,
carried our sins to heaven, and placed all the wrongs we
have ever done at the mercy seat of God! How can you love
us so? How can you love me so? To you be the glory as you
reign in Heaven with our Father - our Father because You
adopted us into Your family. There You sit at the Father's
right hand. To You, dear Jesus, be all glory and honor and
praise. SHALOM.
O Lord, the temptations in this world attack me again
and again. I can't overcome them on my own. But with You,
Lord Jesus, it is possible. Thank You for how You have helped me hide Your Word in my heart. When I am tempted to do wrong, I can call on You for help and use the power of Your Scriptures for strength to do what is right. Thank You for granting me wisdom and understanding. Thank you for helping me to resist even the most subtle temptation and choose Your ways. I long for my life to be good and my deeds to be accomplished wisely and with humility. Gather, please don't let me allow any bitterness, envy, or selfishness in my life. Let me not utter one boastful word.
Remind me, I pray, not to look down on those less fortunate. These things are not of You. In place of this, let me gain wisdom, motives that are pure, peaceful spirit, a considerate submissive attitude, boundless mercy, and a life producing Your nutritious, spiritual fruit. You help me and I praise You for a life of peace, joy, and righteousness!Thank You for how You never lead me into temptation. You deliver me from such. I think how when You were tempted, each time You rebuked the devil with God's Words. Thank You for giving me that same power to resist temptation. Lord, I know You called me to be a Christian. I know You want me to reflect You in all I say and do. Thank for reminding me to live a holy life. pure and pleasing to You. I so easily get pulled into the "little sins" of this world. Thank You for each time You give me strength to run from even the slightest appearance of evil. Right now, I nail my natural sinful nature to the cross. When faults, bad habits, or temptations creep in, I take them back to You where they are destroyed by Your power and might. I use Your Word, the the sword of the Spirit, to fight against temptation. I call upon Your name each day for help, and I praise You for answering me.
Thank You, Father, for Your wonderful Holy Spirit. Great amd wondrous is Your presence. I feel Your warm love about me. You fill my heart with praise to You. You are so dear. I open my heart to Your Holy Spirit to nurture and and lead me, for Your ways are just and true. Because of Your love. Holy Spirit, I am learning to love others more. I strive to love them as much as You do me. Though all our imperfections, Your love helps make up for the many faults of others, as well as my own. Holy Spirit, fill me daily. Groom me so I may produce the fruits of Your Spirit. Make my cup overflow so I may be a blessing to those around me. Great and wondrous is Your presence. Your ways are just and true. Your comfort is with me day and night, everlasting to everlasting. How great You are! O my sweet, precious Jesus You are so marvelous in all your ways. You are King of kings and Lord
of lords. Thank You Father for sending Your Son to die on
the cross for our sins. Thank You sweet Jesus for being
obedient. I give you all the glory, and all the praise.