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Ms Stella

It is an awesome blessing to know that God gave His only begotten Son just for me even while I was s

About Me

Oh my gosh! What could it possibly be about me that one would be interested in knowing? Oh well let me see, my name is Stella and I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me(Phil 4:13). I am a person that love my Savior and my mission in this life is to seek God with all my heart and soul, and to seek the lost to tell them all about a man that walked this earth over 2000 years ago called Jesus Christ. I want the lost, the hurting, the shut-in, the helpless, the outcast, the lonely, the depressed, the disconsolate, the downtrodden, the oppressed, the tormented the burden... to know that all Jesus ever wanted is to be their Lord and Savior, their Redeemer, their Deliverer, their Healer, their Provider, their Help in time of need, and to be their best friend... So I want to let all of my heavenly Father's children know that they can find love, peace, hope, joy, mercy, grace and favor in Jesus. How marvelous it would be if only they knew that all things are possible through Jesus if they believe and have faith in Him.
What else could someone possibley want to know? Well, I try to live my life to the fullest because life is just a vapor and then it's gone in the blink of an eye. I try so very hard to keep my eyes focused on Jesus, but when I can't feel His presence, I launch out in faith and began talking with Him anyway. I will not doubt His presence, for I recall the many times He has been with me. So as I come to you with an open heart my Lord, I quiet my thoughts. I sense Your Holy presence. Then I talk. And talk. And talk! Thank you Lord, for listening to me, for helping me to hear your still small voice. My heart cries out to think of how You took all the world's sins on Yourself and became a living sacrifice. I can't comprehend how you went to hell, carried our sins to heaven, and placed all the wrongs we have ever done at the mercy seat of God! How can you love us so? How can you love me so? To you be the glory as you reign in Heaven with our Father - our Father because You adopted us into Your family. There You sit at the Father's right hand. To You, dear Jesus, be all glory and honor and praise. SHALOM.
O Lord, the temptations in this world attack me again and again. I can't overcome them on my own. But with You, Lord Jesus, it is possible. Thank You for how You have helped me hide Your Word in my heart. When I am tempted to do wrong, I can call on You for help and use the power of Your Scriptures for strength to do what is right. Thank You for granting me wisdom and understanding. Thank you for helping me to resist even the most subtle temptation and choose Your ways. I long for my life to be good and my deeds to be accomplished wisely and with humility. Gather, please don't let me allow any bitterness, envy, or selfishness in my life. Let me not utter one boastful word. Remind me, I pray, not to look down on those less fortunate. These things are not of You. In place of this, let me gain wisdom, motives that are pure, peaceful spirit, a considerate submissive attitude, boundless mercy, and a life producing Your nutritious, spiritual fruit. You help me and I praise You for a life of peace, joy, and righteousness!Thank You for how You never lead me into temptation. You deliver me from such. I think how when You were tempted, each time You rebuked the devil with God's Words. Thank You for giving me that same power to resist temptation. Lord, I know You called me to be a Christian. I know You want me to reflect You in all I say and do. Thank for reminding me to live a holy life. pure and pleasing to You. I so easily get pulled into the "little sins" of this world. Thank You for each time You give me strength to run from even the slightest appearance of evil. Right now, I nail my natural sinful nature to the cross. When faults, bad habits, or temptations creep in, I take them back to You where they are destroyed by Your power and might. I use Your Word, the the sword of the Spirit, to fight against temptation. I call upon Your name each day for help, and I praise You for answering me. Thank You, Father, for Your wonderful Holy Spirit. Great amd wondrous is Your presence. I feel Your warm love about me. You fill my heart with praise to You. You are so dear. I open my heart to Your Holy Spirit to nurture and and lead me, for Your ways are just and true. Because of Your love. Holy Spirit, I am learning to love others more. I strive to love them as much as You do me. Though all our imperfections, Your love helps make up for the many faults of others, as well as my own. Holy Spirit, fill me daily. Groom me so I may produce the fruits of Your Spirit. Make my cup overflow so I may be a blessing to those around me. Great and wondrous is Your presence. Your ways are just and true. Your comfort is with me day and night, everlasting to everlasting. How great You are! O my sweet, precious Jesus You are so marvelous in all your ways. You are King of kings and Lord of lords. Thank You Father for sending Your Son to die on the cross for our sins. Thank You sweet Jesus for being obedient. I give you all the glory, and all the praise.

My Interests

First and foremost, I try very hard to focus on studying the Scriptures, this is my main interest. I especially find the Old Testament absolutely awesome to read. Normally I start with the book of Genesis, which I simply love to read, and then move on to the rest of the books. Sometimes I have to remind myself to read the New Testament, too. I have been studying the bible for a number of years and I do this by taking bible classes from the Potter's Institute and the World Bible School. My relaxation instrests are craft, sewing, gardening, baking, reading, jogging, painting and shopping.

I'd like to meet:

First and foremost, it is my desire to one day meet Jesus. It is totally beyond my comprehension how awesome that it would be to stand face to face with Him. I really don't think I would need to stand face to face with Him. All I would need to do is bow down and touch the hem of His garment and everything would be ok. Sometimes I shudder to think how charged the atmosphere must be in heaven. To stand with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit along with all the Angels and Saints. Holy! Holy! Holy! Woahhh! You better come get me somebody before I give myspace a new meaning and a halo to go along with it. O my Lord! What a reckoning that will be. Wow! I can't even muster up the imagination to understand just how glorious that will be. If you ask most people who they would like to meet after meeting Jesus they probably say, "Abraham, Issac Jacob, Joseph, Job, David, Sarah, Paul, Peter, Mary, Moses, Martha, ...But I am somewhat different. The next person that I would like to meet is Noah. Noah! you ask. Yes Noah and I will tell you why. Noah was a righteous man and perfect in his generation. After the world became so sinful, Noah was the only person that found favor with God and was spared form the great flood. As a matter of fact, seven more people lives were spared because of Noah's faith in God. Noah was instructed to build an Ark for him and his family and two of every living thing. Noah followed God's commands without questions. He separated himself from the wickedness of his comtempories and followed God. Can you imagine how he must have been ridiculed for building that gigantic Ark and they had not ever seen it rain. I can just imagine how he must have been called crazy and stupid by his neighbors, as believers we often look crazy and stupid to those that don't know the Savior. Especially when we walk out on a limb on that blind faith and walk around saying, "If God said it, I believe it." Bottom line, end of discussion, subject closed, God has spoken! Coming back down to earth I would like to meet Condoleezza Rice who is a powerful woman who has experienced firsthand some of our nation's darkest moments. She was a key player in the government's response to the September 11 tragedies. And wow! to be able to meet maya Angelo would simply be a thrill. To hear words of poetry flowing from her mouth would be so awesome. Let me not forget Colin Powell. What a joy it would be to meet such a distinguished man. He went from an army Private to a General and then to the White House. General Powell served as Joint Chief of Staff under both President George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, his service didn't stop there. President George W. Bush selected him to serve as his Secretary of State. When it's all said and done, I would like to meet anyone who inspire me to stretch my abilities to be the very best that I can be.


Make Me Worthy God, please help me do a little better each day. When I'm lost, show me the way. In all my endeavors, Let me do my best, and when trouble calls, put my worries to rest. Help me get past the things I fear, and never let me forget the dreams I hold dear. Let Your light touch me like the sunshine above, and make me worthy of Your dear love.


Well, I like a wide varity of movies and just to list a few: Woman thou art loosed, Passion of Christ, Color purple, Left behind, Revelation, Tribulation, Driving miss daisy, Roll of thunder, The Rosa Park story, Miss Jane Pittman, Sounder, A woman called Moses, Lilies of the field, The hurricane, Philadelphia, The preacher's wife, John Q, A time to kill, The gauntlet, Pretty woman, Run away bride, Erin Brockovich, Mr mom, Green mile, Fried green tomatoez, Stepmom, Bird on a wire, Sent of a woman, Misery Play misty for me, First wives, Amos and Andrew, Pelican brief, Above the law, Fire down below, No good deed, Three men and a baby, and the list goes on


Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Be thankful when you don't know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn. Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow. Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement. Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character. Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons. Be thankful when you're tired and weary, because it means you've made a effort. It's easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings


The bible of course, God's leading lady, The purpose driven life, Woman thou art loosed!, Maxmize the moment, Moma made the difference, Can you stand to be blessed, Anointing fall on me, Be anxious for nothing, Managing your emotions, Beauty for ashes, The best is yet to come, He chose the nails, It's not about me, What matters most, The promise, Left Behind, Tribulation force, Nicolae, Soul harvest, Apollyon, Assassins, The indwelling, The mark, Descration, The remnant, Armageddon, Glorious Appearing, Free at Last, Just give me Jesus, Life on purpose, A love worth giving, In the eye of the storm, A gentle thunder, Just above my head, Matters of the heart, Rootz, A dream deferred, All God's children, Another river to cross, Your best life now, Success God's way, Winning the war within, Enter His Gates, Anointing fall on me, Can you stand to be blessed, His lady, Totally saved, and the list goes on..


Needless to say my number one hero is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. However, the word hero doesn't come clost to describing just what He mean to me. To be more precise, I would have to say that He is a hero of heroes. He is my Savior, my friend, my Redeemer, my Deliverer, my Counselor, my help in time of need, my way maker, my hope, my joy, and my peace. Let me end this by saying, He is every breath that I take. Coming back down to earth, I would have to say my mom, she was not only a strong woman, but a woman of strength as well. I looked up to my mom because she was a woman that realized life's mistakes could also be God's blessings and she capitalized on them. She didn't fear the blows that life can deal you, because she had faith that in the journey that she would become strong enough to withstand every blow.

My Blog

Give Time For Love

The paradox of our time in history is thatwe have taller buildings but shorter tempers,wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.We spend more, but have less.We buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger...
Posted by Ms Stella on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 01:26:00 PST


Please read before viewing picture - it’s worth it! A picture began circulating in November. It should be ’The Picture of the Year,’ or perhaps, ’Picture of the Decade.’...
Posted by Ms Stella on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 09:28:00 PST


The kings of the earth take their stand, And the rulers take counsel together Against the Lord and against His Anointed; Ps.2:2 But you disowned the Holy and Righteous One, but put to death the ...
Posted by Ms Stella on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 10:45:00 PST

Be Positive

READ THIS LET IT REALLY SINK IN - THEN CHOOSE . John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask ...
Posted by Ms Stella on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 02:15:00 PST

Slow Down Therapy

Slow Down Therapy Slow down; God is still in heaven.You are not responsible for doingit all yourself, right now. Remember a happy, peaceful time in your past.Rest there. Each moment has richnesstha...
Posted by Ms Stella on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 05:16:00 PST


  Purpose Do you sometimes feel like you are just working to pay bills? Do you sometimes feel like you doing something that is a waste of your time? Do you sometimes feel you were born to do so...
Posted by Ms Stella on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 04:28:00 PST

The Rewards Of A Good Deed

The Rewards of a Good Deed  One stormy night many years ago, an elderly man and his wife entered the lobby of a small hotel in Philadelphia. Trying to get out of the rain, the couple approached t...
Posted by Ms Stella on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 10:05:00 PST

This Is Great!!

      THIS INFORMATION IS A GREAT REFRESHER AND REMINDER TO TRY TO REMEMBER GIRLS!! ...     Because of recent abductions in daylight hours, refresh yourself of the...
Posted by Ms Stella on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:06:00 PST

Ten Guidelenes From God

Ten Guidelines from God Effective Immediately! Please be aware that there are changes YOU need to make in YOUR life. These changes need to be completed in order that I may fulfill My promises to...
Posted by Ms Stella on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 12:03:00 PST

The Bum

  The Bum [You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.] -- D. Miles Everyone respects and helps the millionaire, the famous, the boss, thos...
Posted by Ms Stella on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 06:02:00 PST