Myspace Layouts at /Encouraging & inspiring women , who have been broken through life circumstans & situations, to come out, chose Christ & be set free forever; Video Ministry; Drug & Alcohol Ministry;Prayer & Intercessory; The Word.I am a born again Christian,who loves the Lord. I was delivered from drugs, homosexuality & alcoholism. I enjoy being set free; my Spirit is now free thanks to my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.My Ministry is to encourage others to come out of a lifestyle of Sin (Homosexuality,Drugs & Alcoholism) & any other Spirit of Control.I am the overseer of the Video Connection Ministry of Restoration Intrnl'Ministries; Bishop Leon Rankins III, Pastor. We will run video Clips of our ministry,soon...Keep an eye open for us; We are The Weapons of Mass Instruction; Go Empower someone through your Testimony; Breaking & Destroying yokes; Changing lives & lifestyles; Winning souls through our Savior Christ Jesus...In His Mighty, Matchless, Life-changing Name.Bonnie~ction="down" scrollamount="5" style="position:absolute; le.. BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM Click here to make Falling Objects BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM BOW DOWN ANDWORSHIP HIM ..(ctrl-c)(ctrl-cimg src="