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Lara Landon


About Me

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Hey friends, I'm glad you are here. This myspace page is where I share my music, my thoughts and my heart. I hope you will enjoy what you hear. Don't hesitate to message me.
In case you are wondering the music you hear here (and more) will be available to purchase on Aug. 12th in stores nationwide on my first album "Beloved".
The word Beloved actually means "be loved". I wrote the song Beloved before I really even understood what that meant. I'm still trying to grasp what it means to be loved by God. It's one of the hardest things I can imagine- to understand that God actually likes us and actually loves to the death- literally. But we must start to understand it and be rooted and grounded in His love for us if we want any chance of living the life we were meant to. We must "be loved" to love the people in our lives and the God we will see someday soon.
This is basically how I can sum up where this music is coming from: My tests in life have made me who I am. I poured that into songs. Now these songs are my testimony.I hope they will inspire, encourage and uplift. I pray they will share with everyone what I have found- that we are the Beloved of Jesus Himself and we have a hope and a good future.
Perfect tension the pulling of the rope from both ends is one of the things that keep tightrope walkers balanced as they walk over the heads of their audience. Its much the same way with the music of burgeoning artist Lara Landon. She subtly invites the listener to sit in the middle of the moment, surprising them with an intriguing combination of opposites that pull with equal strength.
One of the first things you notice about her is her striking beauty, the result of an Arabian father and Sicilian mother. And in the midst of a lighthearted conversation, she'll let fly a piece of insight that reveals the depth of her introspection. She is both joyful and dark, easygoing and pensive, drawing from different sides of her personality to offer a fresh new perspective to the Nashville music scene.
After writing songs for four years and playing piano for twelve, Lara packed up her belongings and moved from southern California, to pursue a music business degree at the prestigious Belmont University. While most parents insist on a backup plan, Lara's parents were the ones who suggested the move, pushing her toward her dream and encouraging her to seize the opportunity to make an early mark on the industry.
Lara landed in Nashville at the age of nineteen without knowing a single person or having any idea how to pursue a career as a musician. But within a year, she had made coveted connections with many of the citys musical veterans, and she began writing with award winning songwriters like Christa Wells (Held, Natalie Grant) and Tiffany Lee of Plumb.
Much in the vein of Sarah McLachlan and Tracy Chapman, Lara writes from the darker shades of her personality. "I believe that its better to feel something strong than nothing at all. And in those places where I doubt, I am most reminded to reach out to God. When I work through my thoughts in my songs, it helps me to sort through the feeling and come back to the truth.''
Between her voice and her piano, she perfectly executes the music that she hopes will reach into other peoples lives and show them the love that God has for them. Pulling from the dark and pushing into the light, arms outstretched in both directions, Lara establishes that balance again the juxtaposition that makes her music feel moody and hopeful, joyful and broken, all at once. And it is a beautiful, perfect tension.
~bio written by Tara Leigh Cobble
"Weaving a tapestry of rich lyrics and soaring tones, Lara Landon tells the story of her journey to Nashville in songs rooted in faith and soul. Lara's music blends Middle Eastern and European music in to a harmony of Folk, Rock and Spiritual genres."
~ City Sessions Nashville

My Interests


Member Since: 6/13/2006
Band Members:
Record Label: Advocate Entertainment
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

and Jesus said "take courage...."

In the past week the word courage has been on my mind- I wasn't sure why, perhaps because I'm facing a lot of mountains right now- but I was compelled to find out more about this word and this feeling...
Posted by Lara Landon on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:09:00 PST

Imagine That

I think the imagination is a gift we've been given to help us understand what we can not any other way. Things like who we are, who this God that is so intertwined with our lives is like, what is goin...
Posted by Lara Landon on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 09:07:00 PST

Quid est veritas?

In the Bible Pontius Pilate asks "quid est veritas?" or "What is truth". He had been in the presence of Jesus in bodily form and was still confused about the truth.Sometimes this same question hits me...
Posted by Lara Landon on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 05:40:00 PST

The Whole Way

"I'd rather be lonely alone, not lonely sitting here with you. Your mind is somewhere else, you're only half listening to anything I'm saying and I feel like you'd rather not be here. So go, you don't...
Posted by Lara Landon on Mon, 19 May 2008 09:17:00 PST

Finish Well

I've been having the image in my mind of running. Running fast and running hard. Running through fields, running on wet pavement, running uphill, running with sweat dripping down my face and panting f...
Posted by Lara Landon on Mon, 12 May 2008 10:29:00 PST

Starving The Beast

What is pride and why does it seem to get into my heart so easily?I think pride is an overestimation of my goodness and an underestimation of God's.The scary thing about it is how destructive it is an...
Posted by Lara Landon on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:38:00 PST

Eviction Notice

So many of my Beliefs (capital B because I'm looking at each one like it's a person) have been living in my mind for years without me really knowing it. These Beliefs are like squatters who found my b...
Posted by Lara Landon on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 04:13:00 PST

UNTIL: continuance to a specified time.

The word until was impressed on my mind a few days ago. I looked it up and this is it's definition: used as a function word to indicate continuance to a specified time  I'm learning there is...
Posted by Lara Landon on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:56:00 PST

Taking back words lost on the world.

There are so many things to write about! It's hard to pick one. In the past week many different themes/lessons have been recurring and coming up in my life. The major ones have been Holiness and Praye...
Posted by Lara Landon on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 10:19:00 PST

A half truth more empty than nothing at all.

I like Oprah’s magazine compared to a lot of the woman’s magazines available. Oprah isn’t afraid to be bold .She speaks plainly about topics like faith and religion. The articles cha...
Posted by Lara Landon on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 06:36:00 PST