Music and John 10:10 - where's the next party !!!
(((( VANGUARD WORSHIPER'S ))))....pause Hammond then watch.
David Danced
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all World Rhythms - but especially spontaneous Praise ! My old Pastors once taught me about:: "Greater is he who is with in me." -- so -- "GO and pick a fight."........ There is power in songs about his blood his grace his Love and life more abundantly !! :::: "The Lord goes before you !" :::: Isaiah 30:32::: Every stroke the LORD lays on them with his punishing rod will be to the music of tambourines and harps, as he fights them in battle with the blows of his arm........ Remind Satan -- "the battle has been won !"
all types..Humorous ones...... double click - lolol
diving board slip
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-would love a flat screen!!Cough coughChristmascough!!
all types - but love Myles Monroe
king David :: Why ? He was no joke !
Musician, Psalmist, Author- powerfully used by God, a powerful leader(King) and servant... He knew how to pick a fight and get a-HEAD in life !!! How do you see yourself !!
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