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Alvin sings "There is None Like You" at T.B.N
Darlene Zschech, Ron Kenoly and Alvin Slaughter performs "Shout To The Lord"
Q & A with Alvin Slaughter
Question - When did you realize that singing would be your life's work?
Answer - I always new it would be my life's work whether I got paid for it or not. I started singing in church when I was about 12 or 13 and as the years went by developed a local reputation as a soloist with my church choir. However I didn't realized I could get paid for it until I was 33 or so when churches and promoters started calling and paying me to sing at different functions around NYC.
Question - What is the difference in Alvin Slaughter from album 1 and album #8?
Answer - At album 1 I just wanted just to be a Gospel singer, at album 8 I want to be a world changer.
Question - Why did you title your latest album "Faith Life"?
Answer - I used to think that faith was an emotional or mental exercise to connect with God and create a better life for myself. Subsequently, I felt that if things went wrong, it may have been because I didn't have enough faith and God was disappointed in me. However, what I've found out is that the life of faith has it's share of joys and sorrows, wins and losses, smooth sailing days and shipwrecks. This recording is filled with songs to sing when you're on the mountain of life, but also songs that reminds us that God is bigger than any situation we face. It's a musical testament that faith is not based on how we feel or what we can mentally conjure up, but is belief and connection with the Creator of the universe. I'm at a place in my life where I don't want hype or dead traditions. I want real faith, connecting with a real God, without all the ill conceived man made traditions attached to it.
Question - Do you feel that Faith Life is a turning point in your career?
Answer - Absolutely! It's the beginning of a movement.
Question - How is "Faith Life" relevant to the times we live in?
Answer - Rich or poor, black or white, married or single, we never seem to be satisfied with our lives. There seems to be a hole in our souls that only can be filled supernaturally. We want good music that speaks to the soul, but also to the spirit.
Question - If the Faith Life can accomplish one thing what would that be?
Answer - To help people experience the presence of God and to give songs that will be sung in churches all over the world.
Question - You have grown up in church culture all of your life. If you could change one thing what would it be?
Answer - That there would've been less condemnation and more love.
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