I love being a wife and mother to my three children who are 31,17,16. (The 31 year old is my husband's son but I still call him my son also). In addition to my dog which is a beagle. I have many adopted kids who I call my children who I love very much that do not live with me & call me Mom. I love shopping cloths shoes hats, I even like to grocery shop. I really enjoy cooking, baking and making & having a good cup of coffee.
Both young and old.MARTY
I like a variety of music from r&b, jazz, gospel,contempory, rock, tech no and even a little rab, country and blues.
My favorite movies are Imatition Of Life and Memoiros Of A Geisha,Shadow Boxer, Blade, Dr Who, Riddick and Torchwood.
CSI,ER,High As The Sky Wide As The Earth.
I enjoy reading the Bible.
My Dad!