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Go ahead drive the nails in My hands,
Laugh at Me where you stand.
Go ahead, and say it isn't Me,
The day will come when you will see,
'Cause I'll rise again.
There's no pow'r on earth
Can tie Me down.
Yes, I'll rise again,
Death can't keep Me in the ground.
Go ahead mock My name,
My love for you is still the same.
Go ahead and bury Me,
But very soon I will be free.
'Cause I'll rise again.
There's no pow'r on earth
Can tie Me down.
Yes, I'll rise again,
Death can't keep Me in the ground.
Go ahead, and say I'm dead and gone,
But you will see that you were wrong.
Go ahead, and try to hide the Son,
But all will see that I'm the One.
'Cause I'll come again.
There's no pow'r on earth
Can keep it back.
Yes, I'll come again;
Come to take My people back
Yes I'll come again;
Come to take My people back.
Words and Music by Dallas Holm
©1977 Designer Music, Inc./Going Holm Music (SESAC) (adm. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
I am a born again Christian,who loves the Lord. I was delivered from drugs, homosexuality & alcoholism. I enjoy being set free; my Spirit is now free thanks to my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.My Ministry is to encourage others to come out of a lifestyle of Sin (Homosexuality,Drugs & Alcoholism) & any other Spirit of Control.I am the overseer of the Video Connection Ministry of Restoration Intrnl'Ministries; Bishop Leon Rankins III, Pastor.We will run video Clips of our ministry,soon...Keep an eye open for us; We are The Weapons of Mass Instruction; Go Empower someone through your Testimony; Breaking & Destroying yokes; Changing lives & lifestyles; Winning souls through our Savior Christ Jesus...In His Mighty, Matchless, Life-changing Name. Bonnie~table table table td.text div { background-image:url

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CoverUpMinistry -- COGIC
Date: 17 Mar 2008, 05:35 AM



Joseph in ChargeThe best thing Potipher ever did was to put Joseph in charge, because God prospered everything he touched. Genesis 39:2 In a few short years he put him in charge of everything except his wife, Genesis 39:3-9 because with Joseph around, Potipher was fast becoming a rich man.As I read this story I saw that it is a parable about Jesus and I, for when I let Jesus take charge of my life, everything he does for me only causes me to be successful, prosperous and blessed. It was said of Jesus that "He does everything well," Mark 7:37 and so it has been with me: everything in my life that I have turned over to him has been touched by his mark of excellence. After all, Jesus is fully God, and when you give him control of your life like Potipher did, Jesus will use all the skills of the Godhead to cause you to succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Ephesians 3:20 This revelation of Jesus as Joseph in charge reveals a God who just naturally blesses and prospers his people. Although it is true that we Christians are called to "take up our cross," Matthew 16:24, it is equally true that Jesus promised his followers that they would prosper super-abundantly, both in this present world and in Heaven to come. Mark 10:29,30It is true that we will experience persecution, but it is equally true that "When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him." Proverbs 16:7There is suffering in the Christian life, as even Joseph will testify. He endured some dreadful circumstances, but God more than made it up to him by flooding him with blessings over the entire last half of his life. Genesis 45:8,9 And Joseph is but one example among many Bible personalities who prospered and flourished under God's loving care, even while passing through hard and difficult times. Although they endured persecution, most of what they experienced from God was His riches, blessing, protection, care and miraculous interven­tions. Reread the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, David, Ruth, Nehemiah, and Daniel, to see that this is true. I add my own testimony to these great men and women, that letting Jesus be Joseph in Charge in my own house has caused me to prosper far beyond my own abilities to achieve and succeed. When I started out with the Lord I was like Jacob who had only a stick when he let God take over, Genesis 32:9,10 & 30:42,43 but I also share his testimony that twenty-eight years later Jesus has so blessed and prospered me, I don't have room to store all the stuff he's given me! This wonderful promise of the Lord has come true in my life with full force: "A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap." Luke 6:38So do not be afraid to let Jesus be Joseph in Charge in your life. Give him full permission to be Lord over all and turn EVERYTHING over to him: your health, your marriage, your career, your sex drive, your car, your music, your books, your ambitions, your goals and your dreams. And yes, even your sins. Because Jesus is God, he knows all the paths that lead into the future, and only he can steer you successfully through Satan's deadly traps, tricks, deceits and ambushes. Be like Potipher, and put your full trust in Jesus, and he WILL guide you safely into the rich land of your own destiny. One last thing: learn a sobering lesson from Potipher: the one thing he did NOT put under Joseph's care resulted in bringing him nothing but heartache, grief, loss and pain, and that was his wife. Genesis 39:8,9 She symbolizes our unrestrained lusts, desires and passions, those cherished sins we don't want Jesus to touch or be Lord over. But put your trust in Jesus, for when he removes your sins, it will be with gentle hands. Matthew 11:29He also gives you his promise that he will never remove something from your life without first replacing it with something better. Luke 11:24-26 The Lord's desire is to bless and prosper you, Jeremiah 29:11 so give Jesus a chance, and watch the blessings of Potipher begin to come forth in your own life when Jesus becomes your Joseph in Charge.Be Blessed!


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