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There is NO escape, and No Redemption For The Dead!

About Me

..I'm working on a little something that I feel is my way of expressing my creativity. I do not do it to be some famous writer...yeah right! I do not do it because I have something to prove. No, I write because I enjoy it and if any of you ever read it and enjoy it too well then isn't that special, LOL! I am first and foremost a fan. I have many friends who are writers and I thank them for their guidance! We've had a lot of fun over the years!The title of my upcoming novel is NO REDEMPTION FOR THE DEAD. It takes place in the inner city, upper Manhattan, when the beginning of the mysterious plague begins to envelope the city. Mandatory evacuation is in order and Marshall Law is put into effect. But some insist on staying behind, either to protect the last of what was owned, or to profiteer off of the forced rationing of goods, where even drugs became a huge necessity and woe be to anyone not to try and procure their fix. People figure it will all eventually blow over. But they are wrong...Hell takes over as death walks the streets and there is no escape, and no redemption for the dead!

My Interests

HORROR MOVIES!!!Anyone who knows me, knows I love my spooky movies, especially zombie movies! I also like to write horror. I'm a big reader, and have a large collection of books. I've made friends with a few horror writers and exchange emails quite frequently. I also like to go to NYC and see the Broadway shows as well as just walk around Central Park, or the village. Yes, I am a shopper! NYC has the best shopping experience around. I also like to go to 18th ave. Brooklyn or Little Italy, and sometimes China Town. My husband and I are big on day trips, we go out on a boat to the Verazzano Bridge at night to see the beautiful scenery all twinkling lights and starry night, or around the sights of downtown Manhattan. Sometimes we just hop in the car and go to Philly, or down to the shore. (Seaside Heights!) We like to stay pretty active and are always up for trying new things!.... http://www.freewebs.com/dovel100***************************T his is THE most important video I have ever come across, and I ask you respectfully to watch this. Please keep an open mind, and form your own opinions. Do NOT just jump on the bandwagon to dismiss these facts, because anything is possible. Wars were fought to secure our freedom, and the facts presented in this video SHOULD be made public! All info found within can be verified, and so I say, why is our country so fucked up? Because the sheeple refuse to see the TRUTH! PLEASE VIEW THIS VIDEO NOW!!!! (approx. 1.5 hrs. long)I'm pretty outspoken when it comes to voicing my political view. And that is right wing or left, politicians are pretty crooked people and serve their own interests. I live very near NYC, and I have to say, 9/11 had a profound effect on me. America pulled together in a time of crisis, the whole world did. But being so close to the events as they unfolded was truly the most horrific thing I've ever experienced. My main concern was getting to my children. I myself am not afraid of death, never have been. But that day, all I wanted to do was hold my kids in my arms and worry about how fucked up the world is. What does the future hold for our children?What Bin Laden condemns the United States for is simple: its policies in the Middle East. Those are, to recap briefly: the continued U.S. military presence in Arabia; U.S. support for Israel; its continued bombing of Iraq; and its support for regimes such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia that bin Laden regards as apostates from Islam! Osama was CIA trained and sent into Afghanistan to defeat the Russians for the very same reason we are there now: control of the country to build the Unical pipeline to give China oil after the World Trade Organization gave China free trade status a day after 9/11. Our soldiers are in Iraq right now to act as babysitters, not "fight" for anyone's freedom. Bush is just trying to finish Daddy's war, and lying to us left and right just to serve his own interests. Not even his own interests, he's a fucking puppet for our United States Corporate Sponsors. And he's made puppets out of our military by brainwashing them into thinking they are fighting the "good fight". At least people are finally starting to wake up and see for themselves how we have all been duped. I'd love it if Bush was impeached. He deserves to go out of office with his tail between his legs like the bad dog he is. A good slap in the face that would be!HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN???

I'd like to meet:

I have an interview on the Student Operated Press! Amanda Carver interviewed me about my upcoming horror novel, No Redemption For The Dead! She did a wonderful job, and I give her my love and many thanks for helping to promote my story! Check it out at: http://www.thesop.org/article.php?id=2592................... ...I am an avid zombie/horror fan! I love it in all forms, be it literature, film, or art. I'd love to meet Johnny Depp, because he is so strange and deep. There's a lot more going on there than just being a "pretty boy".Henry Rollins is a really cool dude, definitely has an opinion and he's not afraid to use it!Chad Savage is a really great artist, his work really inspires me!Mark Ryden is another artist who's bizarre work speaks to me.Anyone who is in film making, or a horror writer, or artist feel free to friend me up!MERRY CHRISTMAS, HANNUKHA, KWANZA, OR FESTIVUS! Because I'm a crocheting fool, here is one of my latest renderings! Do you like??? Momma always said you gotta protect the family jewels! LOL!And a few more weeks and my baby Diana will be back home from Iraq! In case any of you didn't know, I helped raise this girl back in AMBOY from the time she was around 5 yrs. old! She was part of the WE-NYCE crew back in the day, and not only should PERTH AMBOY be proud, but all of AMERICA should be proud of my girl! Pray that she makes a safe trip home.


All kinds, from Rock, Rap, Hip Hop, Classical, Big Band/Swing, I'm kinda all over the place musically.


The original Romero trilogy, Night, Dawn, Day....I wasn't really impressed with Land, so I'm dropping it....Fulci films, as crazy and cheesy as they are, I'm impressed with his style. I guess his work could be called an "aquired" taste, LOL!....The Blind Dead series....Tom Savini, as well as Greg Nicotero, masters at their craft!....


Who is this guy???Survivor, Amazing Race, Flavor of Love with my boy, Flava Flav...Classic television shows like I Love Lucy, and The Honeymooners. Twilight Zone, Outer Limits...The Cash Cab, it's a game show held inside of a NYC taxi! I wish the cash cab would pick me up, I'd so totally own it!


Reign of the Dead series by Len Barnhart (He's my homie!) Len has a new installment, the soon to be released Reign of the Dead: Outbreak!.... Here's a pic of him and Leonard Lies who did the cover zombie on Reign of the Dead, as well as Reign of the Dead: Apocalypse End!My good friend Z.A. Recht has his book coming out Dec. 1st! Here's the cover, and I really highly recommend this book! Check it out!If you were wondering what Zack looks like, he's a very elusive fellow....what a hottie!My list of zombie books is long! Perhaps I will post it sometime...


Duh, my hubby of course! He puts up with all of my shit!Also, my kids inspire me to try new things every day, and not to forget my youth...sometimes I think I'm a bigger kid than they are!

My Blog


Homesick.... Kanienkehaka Anioniha tewaten:ron Kahnawake ietsi:tewe Tsethiiatken se:ra'na niha Ne iethinoronhkwa      Kak are'non:wa tsi tekanato:ken E:tho tiotirharenion K...
Posted by ZombieDiva on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 12:11:00 PST

Zombie Diva appears in Murky Depths Magazine!!!

My good friend Glynn Barrass was inspired to poetry and thusly created a wonderful tribute to moi! It will appear in the March issue of Murky Depths Magazine with wonderful color artwork by Luke Hinch...
Posted by ZombieDiva on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:56:00 PST