Greek Mythology. SIREN: One of a group of sea nymphs who by their sweet singing lured mariners to destruction on the rocks surrounding their island.
SIRENS OF SYDNEY: the hottest independent solo female artists of Sydney in one space !
While we are not intent on luring hapless mariners to their deaths anymore, we are determined to make a mark on the world with our music.
The Sirens of Sydney is a myspace portal designed to raise the profile of the solo independent female artist of Sydney. Each Siren of Sydney is entirely self funded and, together, we are the top independent/unsigned solo female singer/songwriters of Sydney. As a group, the Sirens of Sydney, is dedicated to promoting the individual independent artist.
We're actually very social creatures, in between our hectic musical lives, and we love making new friends. Don't just become our myspace friend; come and say hello to us at a gig too! (Don't be shy...we'd love to meet you!).
Thank you for your interest in the abundant wealth of independent solo female artists who are the Sirens of Sydney. From country to soul, jazz to pop, and lots in between, the Sirens of Sydney are as unique as your individual musical tastes. Click on the Sirens, at left, to discover us!
The Sirens of Sydney sends out regular bulletins to our friends filled with news, gig dates, special offers and other fun stuff.
Our music player has the best music on regular rotation from individual Sirens. Check back often for what's new. An interview with a new Siren is featured regularly in our music player.
The Sirens of Sydney regularly updates the "Upcoming Shows" calendar to give you a taste of what's on around Sydney. It's not an exhaustive list, so be sure to check your favourite Sirens of Sydney individual pages to confirm dates and times.
Solo female independent singer/songwriters/performers of Sydney who can demonstrate an established independent career are invited to join the Sirens of Sydney. This network is about strengthening and promoting the cream of the crop in independent or unsigned solo female talent in Sydney. Send the Head Siren* a message stating that you would like to be a Siren including your email address. You may be added automatically if you have an independent self published commercial release, but best to follow up as we get very busy! New Sirens are updated ASAP. To ensure that the Sirens of Sydney can spread the word about your music, message your news and gig dates to the Head Siren regularly.
*DISCLAIMER: This is a network founded by Anne-Lise Larsen [HEAD SIREN] in October 2006, in the spirit of a grass roots campaign to highlight & promote the independent solo female artist of Sydney. Information posted in blogs and bulletins can not be considered the opinion of individual Sirens of Sydney, and must be assumed to be Anne-Lise Larsen's opinion only. Confirm accuracy of all gig dates, news and other information on the individual Siren's official myspace page (follow the photo links above). Permission has been granted from each individual Siren for their music to appear in the Sirens of Sydney music player.