The band, originally called “Jack on fireâ€, was born in march 2003 and started playing around Rome with a covers repertory. This was composed by Marlene Kuntz and Afterhours’ songs and by a DreamTheatre’s one. After some months and some shows, which made the band known around, they registered, with “Ghostchildren†name, a first demotape made of four original songs: “Odio
migliore†(now “Pianeta Accidiaâ€), “L’occhio di Vladimirâ€, “Sparami†and “La fine dei giochi†(now ruled-out). They were only seventeen of average.
In 2004 “Jack on fire†melt down because of internal troubles and many line-up changes but a second demotape was made with the old songs. A third one was made by Giulio Cecchini, the singer and the only one remained, in april 2005 but other concernes took him away from music till June of the following year. At that time he worked hard in music studio to give birth at “Vaga Decadenzaâ€.
In spring 2007, Giulio knows Marco, a drummer, and they renewed the band together with the same name “Ghostchildrenâ€. Later that autumn Emanuele joined the band as bass player; in the same period they got noticed by Nomadism Records, which proposed to the band to collaborate with an EP in the 1st volume of Nagual Box Set.
Actually the band is starting new projects, included next live shows and registrations for their upcoming 2nd album!!Discography:
(2003)Ghostchildren 1-demotape tracklist:1)Odio migliore2)L' occhio di Vladimir3)Sparami(instrumental)4)La fine dei giochi.
(2004)Ghostchildren 2-demo tracklist:1)Livida 2)Le macabre 3)Era della pietra 4)Vendetta Postuma.
(2005) GhostchildrenIII (EP, noiselectro records) tracklist:1)vivo&stordito 2)Il timido fuggitivo 3)Sparami (...Finché sei in tempo) 4)Ineffabile 5)Fuga dalla nostalgia 6)Il sonno 7)Quasar.
(15/12/2006) Vaga decadenza(noiselectro records) album produced by SydGC - 10 track:
1)Pianeta Accidia(odio migliore)2)L' occhio di Vladimir3)Fiume alcolico4)Coma stanco5)Stabilità 6)Senso critico7)Ciò che di me rimarrà 8)Livida9)Era della pietra10)Vendetta postuma recording by SydGC@"Timba"and
"piccolo studio onirico"(July-September 2006)
(11/12/2007)U.F NAGUAL(Box set,Nomadism Records)featuring Ghostchildren' s Extended Play(3 track)
Biografia completa in italiano