Art...i bought a bass and would like to learn to play it...i'd like to learn to speak german, so the next time i'm in the deutschland, hanging out at the hofbrauhaus, i can flirt with the munich uberhotties....and one of my new goals, is to own a diffrent nascar t-shirt for each day of the week,(i'm up to FIVE!!) wingo man!
representational artists, lowbrow artists, tattoo artists, and anyone into art.
anything Nascar....anything....i cheer the 8, boo the 48, and will never forget the 3, but Petty is still the king....and if you think it's just cars turning left,let me ask ya son...
Anything about Art,Evil,Politics,History or Science.Fav Authors:Richard Dawkins, Matt Ridley, Michael Shermer, Richard Feynman, Ayn Rand, Mark Steyn, and Nigella Lawson cookbooks. Fav Mags:Juxtapoz, The Artists Magazine...
Sgt.Glenn Kmiecek...Iraq.