is programmed for thought; deep thought. So, it occurred to Soulbot that he requires a mate. Soulbot is interested in meeting, courting and eventually coupling with a fleshy-yet-sturdy female humanoid creature (from the ages of 19 to 30, earth years) to share Soulbot's many interests: long, hot, dangerous walks on the beach; the containment and control of toxic spillage in cadet deepsleep containers; cuddling; care and upkeep of removable mini-Go-bot; foreign cinema; Soulbot is also interested in YOUR favorite hot new local band.
I'm smoking like we're being interviewed in 1968.
It's a loop from a crescendo in Mahler's "Titan"
... If you're interested.
SOULBOT REQUIRES: fleshy human female flibbety-jibbit, willow-the-whisp, and/or clown. Angular cruelty about the lips, stern, passionate brow, soft bags of disappointment beneath the eyes a plus. Do you find bulky antiquated robots an extra-sexy turn-on? If so, Soulbot would like to bring you to the moon where he (and a group of curious cadets) will wait on you hand and tread. All your needs will be met by the bone-crushing claws of a happy Soulbot. Is this to your liking?
Is the moon so far away? NOTE ON COMMENTS: Soulbot loves to get your comments. Yet, Soulbot asks you to please consider Soulbot's obsessive attention to tidiness. This lust for organization is hardwired to Soulbot's mechanical thought-engine. Because of this: Soulbot will delete a comment if a placed picture is too large, or the typist does not include spaces in the text. Soulbot abhors a needlessly expanded page.
This is the song that was promised to the poor people who could tolerate listening to the commentary on Season Two.
NYC's Premier
Topless Rock Ensemble
Built right in, deep inside Soulbot's iron carapace. It plays various cadet training films, and a slightly worn copy of Cocoon .
Gort. Sure, It's true that Soulbot would have picked "B9" of the formerly popular television program "Lost in Space", but Soulbot has it on good authority that B9 is "not interested in reproducing himself"... If you get Soulbot's meaning. Now you may have even thought that Soulbot would have chosen the lady-killer Robby the Robot, but don't get Soulbot started: Robbie has done more to damage bot credibility (and Soulbot's chances with the ladies) than any other Hollywood Uncle Tom-bot. Soulbot can't even tell you how many times Soulbot's been asked to do his Robbie impression--a cacaphony of (human) ear-piercing shrieks and waving, bone-crushing arms. Ladies: Robbie is FICTION. Soulbot can't live up to those expectations. His hands are hot. But you can gaze deeply into one of dozens of Soulbot's kyanite eyes...Soulbot has a lot to offer. And while Soulbot's at it, what's up with the Hollywood trend of making robots the villains? What started with 2001 has worked its way through Alien (1), The Terminator series, and the appalling Star Wars: Episodes 1-3. While Soulbot is pleased that bots are no longer typecast, it's an unsettling trend. It indicates these bots have been PROGRAMMED for evil, so who's the real villain here? The PROGRAMMER. When will Soulbot see a movie about THAT? Soulbot has been all around the lunar orbit, and he has NEVER yet met an evil bot.