Welcome to The Movement in 3's official myspace page!
Movement in Threes is a San Francisco Bay Area based quartet comprised of guitar, tabla, bass guitar, and drum set mixing a varied array of music from North India, Afghanistan, and the West in a modern east-west fusion accessible to a wide array of audiences. Following the long Bay Area tradition of innovation, they have created a premium blend of the world’s music appealing to all, from child to scholar. Subtly progressive, smoothly beautiful, this music has been enchanting audiences for over 5 years.
Sekander Seraj on how this band was created:
"Back in 2002 I ran into Salar Nader. Salar took interest in playing and performing my original compositions. There was an amazing chemistry between us, as musicians and friends. His Technical and original Tabla playing added a whole new dimension to my playing and writing. But there was was still something missing. There was a gentlemen I had always wanted to perform and share this music with by the name of Stephen Goodwin, bassist and an amazing musician. We got the opportunity to play together in 2003, later that year we performed our first show. Stephen plays everything that speaks through me that I cannot play- Once again, a brilliant musician and friend. We found a like-minded, and very talented, drummer by the name of Vinnie Angelo to complete our sound. I hope you enjoy listening to our music as much as we enjoy performing it, we are all moved from the heart and spirit........"
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