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The TUBA? You ask...
Usually stuck in the back of the band, the back of the orchestra....
well, NO MORE.
LIBERATION of the Tuba is upon us.
It is the presence, the feeling, the vibration, the power, the SIZE...?
But it is not just the horn, it is the SOUND and the philosophy.
It's about finding new combinations and new foundations... the possibilities are absolutely endless, only limited by our imagination... NOT by our academic expectations, preconceived notions, or traditions.
Spread the WORD.
Have YOU been yearning for the sonic foundry of BIG PHAT brass??
TubaJoe and his band TUBA LOVE is Downtown meets Dub, Groove meets Rawk. Feel the Electric Tuba as it creates soul-shaking grooves amidst a thick sonic vibe. The flavors of keys, drums and horns add the spice to this fashionable groove casserole.
Raised on jazz, trained in classical and branded by rock, TubaJoe (aka Joe Exley) is not your typical tubist. Bent on improvisation but rooted in the family business of rock (his sister is the bass player with Nashville Pussy) Joes band TUBA LOVE verges on the noisy, but spits out grooves that make riffing feel cool again. Its as if Miles Davis and Lita Ford had a tuba-wielding love child. Its safe to get down without having to embrace your inner band geek.
The TUBA LOVE project was born out of Joe performing Last Poet style gigs with legendary groove-master drummer Bernard Pretty Purdie. Now armed with some of the hippest, most vibrant, next generation jazz, funk, and rock musicians in the NYC/Brooklyn scene, TubaJoe's TUBA LOVE has become the type of band that wows crowds anywhere.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !