Connecting the Youth Movement for - January 2007Future 5000 is a tool to support the growth of a powerful and connected progressive youth movement.Future 5000 is a dynamic directory of youth organizations working for justice across the U.S. It's the evolution of the book "Future 500", but now it's a grown and sexy online version. The website will be launching to the public in January 2007.Each of the 600+ youth organizations listed on has its own profile that describes their work doing Campus, Community, Civic Engagement, and Cultural organizing. This searchable directory and networking site will help us visualize and organize our movement, people, activities, and resources.Use it to find out who else is doing work like yours across the street or across the country. Use your org's profile to keep folks informed about your work.Why is Future 5000 vital?
?The need for a resource like Future 5000 has resounded through the youth movement as we know it - the gnawing sound of questions and seemingly endless frustrations surrounding how we, as organizers, can better pool resources, communicate, and mobilize across the divides within youth organizing. In our research for this directory, we talked with hundreds of youth organizers around the country, and heard over and over again about how folks want to connect up their work to be able to make a bigger impact. We saw firsthand how youth are facing the same issues all over the country - education, jobs, prison/military industrial complex, environmental justice, police brutality, gentrification, etc – and how few of us have the time to reach out to learn from each other about successful strategies, tactics, and even allies in the work. We’ve designed Future 5000 to be a one-stop shop for youth organizers and our allies to have easy access to basic information about our collective national work for justice.Get connected and check us out!