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Organize Da BAY

Organize Da B.A.Y.

About Me

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ODB (Organize Da Bay) is a coalition made up of different Bay Area youth based organizations working for social justice. The purpose of the coalition is to build a youth organizing network for justice in education. Our vision is to build a student power movement in the Bay Area and operate as a united front against current attacks on youth. www.organizedabay.orgODB Purpose: To build a youth organizing network for justice in educationODB Vision: To build a STUDENT POWER movement in the Bay Area and operate as a united front against current attacks on youthCurrent Campaign: Student Power What does Student Power Mean?STUDENT POWER is about having control over our own education. Nobody knows what we need better than our selves it is time that they ask us what we need and take our words seriously. Test, laws, and policies that directly affect students are being implemented but students are jet to have any place where they can really express how they feel about all of this and a place where they have real power over these decisions. Student Power is about getting students united to create systems where they can talk about these issues and where they have real power over their own education. Students dont have any input on what they learn, how they lean it, or who their teachers are. We are not learning our hxstory, we are not being empowered through this education and the majority of our teachers are not teachers who look like us and understand our experience. Student Power is about having students decide what they learn about, how they learn it and who they learn it from. We need to create spaces where students can develop organizing skills so that we can work together and be the leaders for our own education. We want to have spaces where we can voice our needs, where we can include our parents and other community members. We dont want people that arent from our community and never have been to our schools to decide whats best for us.

My Interests

7th Annual Ethnic Studies Conference Planning Meeting February 4th, 2008 4:30-6pm @ the Youth Together Office 449 15th St. #203 Oakland, CA 94612 contact Jamileh at 510-645-9209 x. 305 or at [email protected]

I'd like to meet:

Just to let folks know this is the official Organize Da B.A.Y. Coalition page . . . it does not belong to a certain individual . . . this page is for the youth!! So let yo homies know. . .


This years conference will be organized by the ODB Coalition, OUSD Meaningful Student Engagement (a direct ODB Campaign win!!), UCB campus organizations and community members. The workshops will cover: ethnic studies, current issues/ resistance movements, organizing/leadership and healthy living. Students will have the opportunity to become connected to different organizations including the ODB coalition and many different organizations in the Bay Area. This years Ethnic Studies Conference will provide the space for conscious raising and alliance building amongst students. Students from around the Bay Area are building a movement and the conference will continue to empower young people to educate themselves, their community and to organize for liberation. The major goal of the conference is to promote and introduce high school students to ethnic studies and higher education. Students of color access to higher education are diminishing due to the current attacks on public education. We want to illustrate to students what real history is and what education should really be like. We've been successfully providing such important opportunity for over 5,500 students over the years. For 2007, we're bringing the conference back to UC Berkeley. We believe that there is a crucial need to readdress history and to provide education that empowers our people to fight for justice and that all this should be done in creative and innovative ways.TO REQUEST AN ENDORSEMENT FORM, PRESENT A WORKSHOP, ATTEND THE CONFERENCE OR FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 510-645-9209 X. 305 OR E-MAIL [email protected] The first Ethnic Studies Conference was held at City College of San Francisco in 2001. It continued the following year at SFSU, UC Berkeley, back at SFSU and again at City College in 2005. The conference has always been a collaborative effort between community and campus organizations so that we can all benefit from such conference and strengthen our work as a result. This conference is not just a one-day event but part of a larger struggle against the education system that is being used to keep our communities under control and blind to our true history of struggle & successes because such knowledge would mean too much power for us!


May 1st: National Work Stoppage for Human Rights and to Stop the Racist Immigration bill HR4437


Photos from the March Against HR 4437 in Frisco


Photos from the Anti-Occupation March 3-18-06


***AYPAL & Youth Together Block Party PICS***

My Blog

7th Annual Ethnic Studies Conference Planning Meeting

7th Annual Ethnic Studies Conference Planning Meeting When: January 14th, 2008  from 4:30-6pm Where: Youth Together Office 449 15th St. 302 Oakland, CA 94612Food is provided but pl...
Posted by Organize Da BAY on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 06:02:00 PST