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Dennis Joern

Peace don't hurt much.

About Me

Act X: Scene V... Relativity Speaking
“Heaven must look a lot like this,” thought Nestron as he strode in his knowingness through the cobblestone streets of Castle Coombe, his hometown. A town which had in its’ history been the victim of many plunders. The cathedral was built by the Dalts upon the raized remnants of a Galatian fortress impregnable for nine hundred yarns. Then the plundering heathen Northlanders plundered and assimilated Castle Coombe until the Brightens came howling like Hoonues over the earthen embankments. When the age of ice came, Castle Coombe succumbed to winter, standing silent for two millennia. When it was rediscovered by the Franks it became a Mecca for vacationing long-haired overfed weeping gnomes from Ski West, then’s when the Engloids came, in their fine armor, and armies that would put the multitudes of King Kromweld to shame, thus devouring the gnomes, leaving no physical evidence. These are those that have ruled, taxed and defended this island for the past thousand and seven yarns.
This now being the yarn 7492 AJ...(AfterJed, when wizards returned onto the world)
In the great Rushing Invasion, the yarn Neston was born, an army of Engloidlanders led by King Jeester numbering two million, six hundred forty-nine thousand, nine hundred and twenty-two advanced and met the invading forces of Queen Katrina the Grief, numbering three million, nine hundred twelve thousand and sixty-four on the bluff looking over Castle Coombe. This was long ago and far from now, a tale for the Great Rune Wall of Shinon. Suffice it to say that from that day on no despot of worth has dared include Engloidland in any thought of conquest. Not much has changed in Nestron’s eight hundred forty-three yarns, generations of mortals have come and gone, the seasons change, and Nestron was on his way to a very important date.
*No one wants to be a Queen Katerin, who was lucky to escape to her armada, leaving behind over three and a half million dead soldiers, one million dead hosses, forty thousand dead cowtle, eight hundred thousand cannon, two million lead shooters, three million swords, and equal amounts of condiments for each and every unfortunate Rushing. As is known, King Jeester’s armies suffered near fifty percent casualties, but easily routed the ill-prepared Rushings. Queen Katrina the Grief was deposited forthwith upon her return into her tomb, signed, sealed, and buried alive.
Upon the bridge which bisects the town, Nestron spied upon a fellow traveller in time fishing off the side without regard for the law.
“There You!!, I sees what I’m lookin’ et but still I don’t even believe it! It’s the spittin’ image of one Tid Mor-egin, holding onto what looks to be a killing stick hook and all, may god not sees this day, why what will you think of twinty yarns of herd labor for the King!, an’ you don’t look to be lastin’ ten!” Spake Nestron in a highly aggitated narration.
“Yadadad,it smells as the doos on my shoes, Yadadad, it is, it is, it has to be you. I fishes to live and I lives to fishes and not nothin’ no one can do! Besides, you faggot little man, you gots a stick of yer own, which I bet’s done in many a creature itself, directed by no one but yerself, and not even for fude neither!” spurted Tid Mor-egin. “Well I ne’er!!” shot Nestron backing up three steps.
“Anyhu, you slovenly sot, what business is it fer the King an’ his whining pukes of a guvment to tell me I can’ts catch, guts, cooks, an’ devours worthless boned beasties what’s got not a thing to do with all of us what walks on two ligs!” said Tid Mor-egin in that voice.
“Hallelujah, I’ve run amuck upon a fool in the driving rain, an’ with the star out an’ all! My dear demented friend, the King an’ his government are what keeps us all from eating the fishes what been living in the piss an’ the shite what all these people, gnomes, gargoyles, fairies, giants, hosses, cowtles, an’ like everything of this town put into the water every day of every weeg of every yarn, for time inmemorium! An ’yer about to eat it!” Nestron thusly spake.
“Not no way no how! It all came clear just then! No wonderment today have I seen less evidenced than fishes wit more than three eyes an’ some has gots drumsticks!” Tid Mor-egin instantaneously realized!
“Well, there ye go then!” Saluted Nestron, leaving the scene before causing one.
Little did Nestron know that Helburt Instine walked through the verbal assault, having his concentration disrupted, forgot the equation for the unified theory of quantum mechanics for yet another day. And the fishes sighed a breath of relief.
The End
Ma bought me my first record album while we lived (for three and a half years) in Frankfurt, Germany, From the age of five to eight and a half. Pa was in the US Army intelligence. The album was “Johnny Horton Makes History”. We marched around the couch re-enacting the Battle of New Orleans with our wooden guns and swords singing with great enthusiasm for weeks! I still have that album.
There was a dinner club on base called The Topper Club where we were taken to hear cowboy bands touring from the states. I was too young to recall anyone specific other than Tommy Cash and his band. I would present my slip of paper and they played my requests. What else? Johnny Horton of course!
We also listened to a radio station out of Belgium that played the Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, Little Richard and the rest from the beginning of the era. It was on late so brother Dave and I would listen under the covers. We got whooped with the belt pretty good a few times…
Dave, I and our friends would wander from our housing complex in Frankfurt, to a place that had a stream of some kind and railroad tracks. On one occasion we were putting flowers, coins and plastic army men on the tracks to see how flat they would get. Once, we were nabbed by some local passers by who took us to the nearby police station and told them that we had put rocks on the tracks trying to derail the train. We sat for hours while Dave, being learned in rudimentary German, tried to explain the truth. The MPs (military police) came and took us home in the back of the Jeep where we saw Ma handing the officer some money and the folks never brought the subject up again. We never saw those friends again. But, we had become quite famous throughout the complex. Marked for life we were!
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The slide show below contains a few photos of my handsome self and a whole bunch of my pen and ink drawings for your amusement, each of which can take near three hundred hours to complete... obviously they are also in the pics section for slower viewing, and little short stories are being added slowly but surely up yonder in the blog section that go with them...
Richard Warren came to North America from England on the Mayflower in 1620.
Little is known about Richard Warren's life in America. He came alone on the Mayflower in 1620, leaving behind his wife and five daughters. They came to him on the ship Anne in 1623, and Richard and Elizabeth subsequently had sons Nathaniel and Joseph at Plymouth. He received his acres in the Division of Land in 1623, and his family shared in the 1627 Division of Cattle. He died a year later in 1628, the only record of his death being found in Nathaniel Morton's 1669 book New England's Memorial, in which he writes: "This year died Mr. Richard Warren, who was an useful instrument and during his life bare a deep share in the difficulties and troubles of the first settlement of the Plantation of New Plymouth."
Great Great Grandfather Hole-in-the-Day was already here. Chippewa. White Earth, Minnesota.
"Hole-in-the-Day was a man of distinguished appearance and native courtliness of manner. His voice was musical and magnetic, and with these qualities he had a subtle brain, a logical mind, and quite a remarkable gift of oratory. In speech he was not impassioned, but clear and convincing, and held fast the attention of his hearers." Reverend Claude H. Beaulieu
William Whipple Warren (1825-1853) author of "History of the Ojibway People". First published in 1885.
Born in LaPointe, Minnesota. His mother was Ojibwe and his father was descended from a Mayflower pilgrim. Warren was educated in mission schools in Minnesota and New York becoming fluent in English. In 1842 he married Matilda Aiken and moved to Crow Wing, Minnesota. Educating himself in the traditional customs and language of the Chippewas, he found work as an interpreter. His career includes a seat on Minnesota State Legislature, and writer for The Minnesota Democrat. He also wrote about Ojibwe legends and traditions. He died at the age of 28 from tuberculosis.
Great Grandfather Hans G. Peterson came to North America from Oslo, Norway sometime in the latter 19th century.
Grandpa "Pete" George I. Peterson was gassed and had several fingers shot off during WWI in France. He survived. (photo-Grandpa as Santa with Dave)
Grandpa Pete would stick a shot off finger up to his eye socket and say, "could you help me pull this out!" (cause it looked like half his finger was inside his head), and we would all scream and run away. It always made him chuckle and laugh.
My uncle Claire Peterson of the 101st Airborne was killed in WWII during the Battle of the Bulge on 12.19.1944.(second photo in Belgium)
Though I never knew him, I tip my hat. Giving your all is everything.
Ulysses S. Grant, Commander of the Union forces during the latter part of the Civil War and the Eighteenth President of the United States
After retiring from the Presidency, Grant became a partner in a financial firm, which went bankrupt. About that time he learned that he had cancer of the throat. He started writing his recollections to pay off his debts, racing against death to produce a memoir that ultimately earned nearly $450,000. Soon after completing the last page, in 1885, he died.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Thirty-Second President of the United States
Assuming the Presidency at the depth of the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt helped the American people regain faith in themselves. He brought hope as he promised prompt, vigorous action, and asserted in his Inaugural Address, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
Grandma Moses, American primitive artist
Anna Mary Robertson "Grandma" Moses started painting when she was in her 70s, capturing scenes of rural celebrations and daily life in upstate New York, where she lived most of her life. In 1940 Moses went from exhibits in rural fairs and local drugstores to exhibits in fine art galleries in Europe and the United States. Self-taught, Grandma Moses became an American celebrity. Known for her prolific output and kindly, country persona, she was one of the most famous American folk artists of the 20th century.
Alan B. Shepard, first American in space and fifth man on the moon
“Upside Down” Clyde Edward Pangborn (WWI pilot, barnstormer) along with Hugh Herndon, Jr. were the first to fly non-stop across the Pacific, from Samishiro Beach, Japan to Wenatchee, Washington in 1931. The plane was "Miss Veedol".
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My Interests


Member Since: 9/29/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Dennis Karl Joern - lyrics, vocals and guitars

Dawn Teague - Lyrics and solo vocal on "I’m Not Your Sidedish"
Lyrics, backing vocals (the highs and the lows - the voices from way down in the delta south)

Allen James Teague - piano, keyboards and engineering/mixing

Dave W. Joern - guitars, bass

"Moonshine Shadow Blues":
Dennis K. Joern - lyrics, vocals and guitar
D. E. Murphy - slide guitar (...Mr. Murphy uses D.R. strings!)
Dave W. Joern - baritone guitar
Allen James Teague - organ

For my adventurous friends, you may check out excerpts from the entire "Blues and Ballads" CD at the Band Website link above.

So it came to pass that one day we took off with the two youngest for the Pacific coast on a much deserved vacation and it was hotter than heck in my piece of doggiedoo ford fairmont. We had a great time at seaside and garibaldi, buying a crabbeast right there where it came out from the water, boiling its sorry carcass and feasting, then proceeded to camp there upon the waters edge... the next day it was getting really weird weatherly related, so we bebopped about our business until the day drew to a close, needing to find another place to camp. Then, without even a warning, holy grail, the skies opened up. We set the tent up in a 45 degree angle downpour, almost to the point of finding the answer in the wind! We went off to find food, finding a fine pizza joint not too far off. When we returned the tent was flat smack on the ground, everything inside was soaked so we were les miserables. Morning came as often it did, calmer with a slight drizzle, so we walked down to the beach to remove our foot apparel and dance shoeless in the sand. While this frivolity was transpiring, my sandals had been removed from terra firma and were well on their way, heading west, chasing the sun upon the Pacific Ocean! So thus it happened, my mind conceived a song, and my foots had no clothes!

My first guitar came at about the age of 11 in Kansas City, Mo. We actually lived on 12th Street. But not Vine… When The Beatles came out with “Paperback Writer” I had to have one. It helped a lot that Sir Paul was a lefty. My brain couldn’t make a right-handed guitar work. So I changed the strings around the left way. The guitar was a nameless dark red sunburst cheesecutter that cost all of $15. Pa paid half and I paid half. Brother Dave and I would go down the street to the local church where the pastor taught guitar in the evenings. Fifteen budding rock stars strumming “We were sinking deep in sin” until our fingers bled. “Gloria” and “Wild Thing” seemed so much easier but we couldn’t play those in church. Not that devil stuff! We moved back to Spokane and that poor guitar fell apart. A victim of humidity changes I suspect… I also was one of only five from Manchester Elementary School chosen to sing in the Kansas City All-City Chorus.
I went without a guitar for a year until I bought a Decca hollow body electric with f holes for $36 at Valu-Mart. Now I found after flipping it around that the knobs were on the top, right where my left elbow went. Of course by this time Jimi was playing that upside down Strat. I must be ok I thought, just work around it…


Johnny Horton, Marty Robbins, Johnny Cash, Willie, Waylon and the Boys, Buddy Holly, Bob Dylan, John, Sir Paul, George, Ringo, Stu and Pete, Jimi, Noel and Mitch, Stevie Ray, The Stones, Jade Warrior, The Allman Bros., Cream, CCR, The Masked Marauders, Allen James Teague, Midnight Oil, Ezekiel Kelly, The Yardbirds, Blind Willie McTell, Rick Nelson, Robert Johnson, Cab Calloway, Rev. Gary Davis, John Mayalls Bluesbreakers, Elmore James, Johnny Winter, Sons of the Pioneers, Carlos Santana, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Canned Heat, Buddy Guy, The Who, Sir Elton, Doc and Merle Watson, Joan Baez, Woody, Arlo, Tony Iommi, Motown, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, The Clash, Pete Seeger, Ritchie Blackmore, Pink Floyd, Mama Cass, Otis Redding, Michael Hedges, Donovan, T-Rex, Alvin Lee, GFR, Leslie West, CSN&Young, Joni Mitchell...

my son Sam, Wes Torres, Crazy Horse, Leonardo, Albert Einstein, Hillary Clinton, MLKjr, Rembrandt, Chief Joseph, Vincent Van Gogh, RFK, Freeman Dyson, Rosa Parks, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Salvador Dali, Steven Hawking, Ghandi, The Marx Bros., Liv Tyler, Sitting Bull, E.A.Poe, Nelson Mandela, Julia Roberts, Jackie Robinson, Eric the Red, Stan and Ollie, Red Cloud, Yoko Ono, Abbie Hoffman, Ma & Pa Kettle, Claus Oldenberg, JRR Tolkein, Robin Williams, Picasso, Cole Younger, Marlene Deitrich, Pres. Jimmy Carter, Robert Frost, Kate Hepburn, Oliver Cromwell, Humphrey Bogart, MC Escher, Maj. Gen. George Picketts' Virginians, William Wallace, Eleanor Roosevelt...

Harvey, Lust for Life, Them, A Hard Days Night, Smoke Signals, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Little Big Man, Caveman, Way Out West, Quest for Fire, Rebel Without a Cause, The Quiet Man, Battlefield Earth, Goonies, Metropolis, The Island, Citizen Kane, The Vikings, The Postman, Independence Day, Enemy at the Gate, The Sandlot, The Greatest Story Ever Told, Some Like it Hot, The 5th Element, The Inn of the Sixth Happiness, Mars Attacks!, King Creole, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Man Who Fell to Earth, They Died with Their Boots On, Waterworld, Lost Boys, Forrest Gump, Harry Potter (all), A.I., The Scarlet Pimpernel, The Borrowers, Field of Dreams, How I Won the War, Casablanca, Before Sunrise, Spartacus, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World...

For What it's Worth, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, War Pigs, Masters of War, Girl From the North Country, Working Class Hero, Teach Your Children, Machine Gun, 400 Years, Dust My Broom, Bridge of Sighs, I'd Love to Change the World, Roland the Headless Thomson Gunner, Prodigal Son, Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream, Subdivisions, Lola, Diamonds and Rust, Great White Buffalo, John Barleycorn Must Die, Time Has Come Today, Snowblind Friend, Lonesome Town, Song for Europa, Stand By Me, Don't Let Me Down, Whiter Shade of Pale, You Got Me Floatin', Crazy, Jailbreak, Two of Us, Snowshoe Thompson, Little Red Rooster, Rain on the Scarecrow, Oh Very Young, The Mess, Cottonfields, Gimme Shelter, Detour, A Love Bizzare, Ballad of a Thin Man, Beware of Darkness, Werewolves of London, Volunteers of America, Darkness Darkness, Simple Man, Alladin Sane, Yer Blues, How Much is that Doggie in the Window?, Third Stone From the Sun, Coal Miners Daughter, Tears of a Clown, Love in Vain, Minnie the Moocher, Pictures of Lilly, Ohio, Goodnight Irene, The Pusher, Little Deuce Coupe, Act Naturally, Shake Rattle and Roll, Graveyard Train, Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Duke of Earl, Jackson, Don Quixote, Child of the Moon, Mamas Don't Let your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys, For Emily (Whenever I May Find Her), Ferry Cross the Mersey, Sugar Magnolia, Donna, Angel from Montgomery, Walk on the Wild Side, Love Me Tender, America, Ballad of the Green Berets, Travelin' Man, Grandmas Feather Bed, Wooden Ships, Train Kept a Rollin', Hot Tamales, Time in a Bottle, Bleeker Street, That's Alright Mama, When Johnny Comes Marching Home, Let Me Roll it to You, Billie Jean, Love Child, Careful with that Axe Eugene, The Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp, The Goon Squad, Your Song, John Sinclair, If 6 was 9, No Expectations, Singin' the Blues, The Boll Weivel, Don Quixote, Maggie McGill, Big Bad John, Little Miss Strange, Hurdy Gurdy Man, Old Man River, The Slider, Hey Bulldog, Tales of Brave Ulysses, The Ballad of Ira Hayes, Sweetleaf, El Paso, Child in Time, The Crossroad Blues, Helter Skelter, Roxanne, Nantucket Sleighride, Voodoo Chile, Black Cat Moan, Walking After Midnight, Lover of the Bayou, The Boxer, Cowgirl in the Sand, Tea for One, Plastic Fantastic Lover, Midnight Rider, Jesus Just Left Chicago, Desolation Row, Spoonful, Madman Across the Water, Message in A Bottle, Mr. Limousine Driver, That'll Be the Day...

Robert Johnson- King of the Delta Blues
The Beatles- The White Album- Revolver- Rubber Soul
Spooky Tooth- The Last Puff
Marty Robbins- Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs
Johnny Horton- Johnny Horton Makes History
Jade Warrior- Autumn's Dream
Jimi Hendrix- Are You Experienced- Electric Ladyland- Band of Gypsies
AC/DC- Back in Black- For Those About to Rock- Fly on the Wall
Doc Watson- Southbound
Cat Stevens- Mona Bone Jakon- Tea for the Tillerman
The Who- Live at Leeds- Tommy
The Rolling Stones- Let it Bleed- Beggars Banquet- Flowers- Some Girls
Robin Trower- Bridge of Sighs- In City Dreams
Bob Dylan- Good as I Been to You- Blood on the Tracks
Neil Young- Harvest- Living With War
Led Zeppelin- I- II- Runes- Physical Graffiti
Janis Joplin- Pearl
Johnny Winter- Guitar Slinger- Saints and Sinners
Pink Floyd- Meddle- The Wall
Blind Willie McTell- King of the Atlanta Twelve String
CSN&Y- Deja Vu
James Gang- Rides Again
Ten Years After- Cricklewood Green
The Grateful Dead- American Beauty
Black Oak Arkansas- Keep the Faith
Elmore James- Whose Muddy Shoes- Blues After Hours
Jethro Tull- Aqualung
Jefferson Airplane- Bless Their Pointed Little Heads
Michael Hedges- Live on a Double Planet
Moody Blues- On the Threshold of a Dream
Fleetwood Mac- Kiln House- Bare Trees- Tusk
Prince- Purple Rain
Deep Purple- In Rock
The Allman Brothers- Eat a Peach
The Beach Boys- Pet Sounds
Santana- Abraxas
Steppenwolf- Monster
Blind Faith
Black Sabbath- Master of Reality- Paranoid
Johnny Cash- at Folsom Prison- Now Here's Johnny Cash- Man in Black
Simon and Garfunkel- Wednesday Morning at 3am- Bookends
George Harrison- All Things Must Pass- Living in the Material World
John Mayall- A Hard Road- Bluesbreakers with Eric Clapton
The Doors- Morrison Hotel
T-Rex- Electric Warrior- The Slider


SFCC Student Show- Eastern Washington State University- 1978- Cheney, WA

One Person Show- The Galleria/Riverfront Park 1978- Spokane, WA

Designer Show- SFCC Fine Arts Gallery 1978- Spokane, WA

Carnegie Art Center Show 1978- Walla Walla, WA

J. Harken/Meyers Gallery- Spokane, WA

The Snowgoose Gallery- Spokane, WA

Two Person Show- Daults Paint Palette- 1978- Spokane, WA

Ruth Mayer Gallery- Laguna Beach, CA

Second Street Gallery- Santa Monica, CA

One Person Show- 1, 2, 3, Arts- 1985- Spokane, WA

Best Black & White Of Show- Westercon '90- Seattle, WA

Quicksilver Fantasies- 1990-1992- Post Falls, ID

Cheney Cowles Museum Sampler- 1993- Spokane, WA

Cheney Cowles Museum- Works From the Heart- 1993- Spokane, WA

Colburns Gallery- Spokane, WA

Cheney Cowles Museum Sampler- 1994- Spokane, WA

Cheney Cowles Museum- Works From the Heart- 1994- Spokane, WA

Cheney Cowles Museum- Works From the Heart- 1996- Spokane, WA

Ra-Tels- 1997- Spokane, WA

Pend Oreille Artists Regional Show- 1999- Metaline Falls, WA

CREATE Art Auction 2000- Newport, WA

Museum of Arts and Culture- Works From the Heart- 2001- Spokane, WA

Panida Theater, three artist collaboration: May 2001- Sandpoint, ID
Allen James Teague, solo piano concert
Photography by Dave Joern
And my Pen and ink drawings and paintings

Museum of Arts and Culture- Works From the Heart- 2002- Spokane, WA

Museum of Arts and Culture- Works From the Heart- 2004- Spokane, WA

Museum of Arts and Culture- Works From the Heart- 2005- Spokane, WA

Museum of Arts and Culture- Works From the Heart- 2006- Spokane, WA

2005- PBS episode of Northwest Profiles featuring my drawings and a soundtrack solo piano composition by Allen James Teague of "The Light and the Dark"

Original Works included in Private Collections:
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Laguna Beach, Atwater, Mill Valley, Midpines, Venice,
Yosemite, Santa Monica, CA
Seattle, Spokane, Newport, WA
Portland, OR
Portland, MA
Atlanta, GA
Jackson, MS
Galveston, Houston, TX
St. Vincent, MN
Kansas City, MO
New Orleans, LA
New York, NY...
and Bali
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

A Theory of Universal Proportions

A THEORY PUT FORTHIf we are indeed inhabitants of a world, spinning around a star at the edge of the Milky Way galaxy which according to the Big Bang theory is expanding out into the expanse of foreve...
Posted by Dennis Joern on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 05:55:00 PST

The Legend of Near Blind Willie McTavish

near blind willieNEAR BLIND "SLIDIN’ LEFTY" WILLIE McTAVISHOne day on the 14th of October, 1899, somewhere was born Willie McTavish. They say his mother, one Willameina DeFoe, was a hobo, dressi...
Posted by Dennis Joern on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:59:00 PST

Art Print Inquiries

Hello everyone,I have received many inquiries as to the availability of prints of my drawings through myspace messaging. It may be a bit late for Christmas gifting, but "The Sidewalk Cafe", "Castle Co...
Posted by Dennis Joern on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 11:23:00 PST

The Trojan Rocket

THE TROJAN ROCKETFor three hundred and sixty years the wizard Prrymm d'Proper had been experimenting. Mixing potions of gasses and essential elements in an attempt to attain the elusive discipline of ...
Posted by Dennis Joern on Sat, 26 May 2007 12:36:00 PST

Last of the Sunshine Days

Last of the Sunshine Days"Here I stand, in the glenn where once grew the Giant Grand Green Growing Genorpsa Grove, a field of stumps now well on its way to petrification, surrounded still it is with t...
Posted by Dennis Joern on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 06:00:00 PST

Beneath the Portrait of Great Uncle Nigel

Beneath the Portrait of Great Uncle Nigel (The Sky is Cryin')Beneath the Portrait of Great Uncle Nigel,The man with the Quaker Oats Phone,Buried beneath this cold marble floor,In this place that he ca...
Posted by Dennis Joern on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 05:59:00 PST

Dragon Attack

Dragon AttackIt was a different day than the day before. The three moons, Izmu¨r, Samsun, and Basma had aligned for the first time in rote history and the populace were gathered around the fountain at...
Posted by Dennis Joern on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 05:57:00 PST

Unfinished Symphony #1

Unfinished Symphony #1It was a solumn windless night in August when Filbert first noticed that Ned, his pal of some twenty odd years had gained no sense of intellect in all the time he had known him. ...
Posted by Dennis Joern on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 05:56:00 PST

The School of Hard Knox

The School of Hard Knox"There's gold in them thar hills!" said the wizard Krokus Charliehorse of Daccoata to his nurse Estella as the buckboard made its way over the hills, on their way to the Valley ...
Posted by Dennis Joern on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 05:54:00 PST

If Wishes were Horses

If Wishes were HorsesMelvin Bobsdad felt the concrete beneath his shoes, not a good year he thought realizing he couldn't place where or when he'd had a new pair. If he remembered correctly these he w...
Posted by Dennis Joern on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 05:52:00 PST