Bread and Roses Women’s Health Center is a woman owned and operated clinic located in Gainesville, Florida. Our goal is to provide the best in medical care in a safe, comfortable, caring, and supportive atmosphere. We offer a wide range of services for women including surgical and medical abortions, pap smears and well woman exams, STD and infection testing, and options counseling.
Bread and Roses Well Woman Care represents the best care in this specialized field of medicine.The name of Bread and Roses comes from a song written by James Oppenhelm in the early part of the century. It relates the story of women's struggle to gain better working conditions so that they, as well as men, could achieve their full potential.
At Bread and Roses Well Woman Care we are here to help women achieve their full potential by providing them with the best medical care available- the bread- as well as special attention to their emotional needs in the critical time- the roses.
Here are Bread and Roses Well Woman Care we know the importance of both the Bread and Roses.
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