I love music, laughing, hearing other people laugh, smiling, funny people and jokes, the sun on my face, learning new things, black and white photos by Lindsay Garrett, Chicago (even the ghetto areas), wearing awesome dresses,dying my hair different colors, thunderstorms and the smell of the earth before it rains, clean laundry,sunsets,things that smell fruity, cloudy days, drinking red wine with Sarah,Marc Jacobs, walking in the rain, my cats Maggie(aka Kitty),Kitty, my fish Martin, cooking (I'm totally a hot version of Martha Stewart),Chad's paintings, stars in the sky,Dolce and Gabbana mens colonge,sunny breezy days, waking up at noon,being a hippie for 4 days at Bonnaroo, eating lunch at the Bistro with Diayna and Shawn, making perverted comments just to get a rise out of people (especially out of my fishin buddy), walking around the duckpond, my blue beach cruiser, Lisa Loeb eye glasses, drinking a single tall on ice with lime at CGs where everyone knows your name, seeing old friends,Channel Cosmetics, Taco Tues with Tara at the top, fishing with Brandon, pretty flowery skirts,fresh flowers of any kind (Lillies are pretty rad), vitamin water, sitting on Katrina's and Mel's porch while Bella tries to make us play with her (don't ever throw her the ball...the game lasts 3 hrs), the ocean, the crayola color blue,driving fast with all windows down enjoying the breeze and great music blarring from the speakers, good conversation, watching television at Char's and Erin's house while the white cat attacks me or them, reading great books that inspire me to try something different or to become a better person, and Neiman Marcus red nail polish by EL.
People that don't lie
Against All Authortity (AAA), Against Me!, At the drive in, Atmosphere, Bad Religion, Beat Buttons, Bright Eyes, The Cure, Cursive,The Draft,The Good Life,Grabass Charlestons, the Horror, Hot Water Music, Interpol, The Loved Ones, Lucero, New Mexican Disaster Squad, New Order, Ninja Gun, Nirvana, None More Black, Operation Ivy, Outkast, The Pixies Propagahndi, Saint Cathrines, The Smiths, Smoke or Fire, Social Distortion, Stressface, Suicide Machines, Whiskey and Co...to name a few
Reality Bites
TV rots your brain
my mom