Questions, Answers, Facts, Truths(Sort Of), Quantum Physics, Thinking Outside The Box, Social Work, Creative Thinking, Philosophy, History, Religions, Humanities, Culture, Earth, The Universe, Time Travel, Mythology, The Brain, Human Beings
We would like nothing more than to be able and sit down with the Bush Administration and ask them Questions about Everything.................................................. ............................................................ .........................................................LEA VE US A QUESTION OR TWO YOU HAVE FOR OUR CURRENT ADMINISTRATION AS A COMMENT. ANYTHING GOES! TRY AND KEEP THEM SIMPLE THOUGH. PLEASE DO IT...WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO GET THIS COMMUNITY OFF THE GROUND!(9/25/06)............................................ .......................................... Senator(Future President?)Barack Obama, and others, speak at a Save Darfur Rally, very inspiring.... .. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONA CALL ON U.S. CONGRESS FOR HEARINGS & LEGISLATIONTo hold open, secrecy-free hearings on the UFO/Extraterrestrial presence on and around Earth.To hold open hearings on advanced energy and propulsion systems that, when publicly released, will provide solutions to global environmental challenges.To enact legislation which will ban all space-based weapons.To enact comprehensive legislation to research, develop and explore space peacefully and cooperatively with all cultures on Earth and in space.This seminar was held at The National Press Club, one of the most respected organizations of its kind, you can learn more about this blatantly suppressed issue at
Ghosts of Rwanda, An Inconvenient Truth, Control Room, City of God, Michael Collins, V for Vendetta, The Corporation, Life and Debt, Maxed Out, Darfur Diaries, The Devil Came On Horseback, Farhenheit 9/11, No End In Sight
PBS, BBC, BookTV, C-SPAN, CNN, MSNBC, FOXNEWS, The History Channel, Discovery Times, National Geographic, Animal Planet
The Torah, The Quran, The Bible, The Prophet, Siddhartha, Life of Pi, The New Pearl Harbor, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, The Black Budget, The Hidden Messages in Water
Common sense, free-thinkers, consciousness, artists, activists