In this continuous proccess of man trying to distinguish between good and evil, I will allways allow my conscience to justify my acts because it is ever present and bearing withness. Moreover, in as much as good or bad things are difficult to discern through ordinary eyes, they can be felt; for they are of the spirit and only through the spirit can we draw moral and ethical boundries between good and evil.I was taught that nothing truly valuable arises from ambition or mere sense of duty, but that everything stems from love and devotion towards God and objective things. As a human being I am endowed with enough intelligence to see how inadequate this intelligence is when confronted with life issues.In the year 2000, Mostar promotions Gmbh placed an advert for music talents. I submited a Demo CD, which led to an interview, resulting in my first sellout concert at the University of Dortmund Freizeit Zentrum (fzw) West. Ever since, I have committed my time to doing something wherein I have comparative advantage, namely music.Besides, SOA is delivering cool hypnotic blends of smooth traditional hip-hop, rap and reggae music mixed with fantastic flow of conscious lyrics. "I remain dedicated in creating music that crosses all boundaries.
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