i write poetry and plots
i've had experiences with experimental and social theatre(Odin Teatret, Marco Baliani, Stalker teatro, Pierre Byland, Alessandra Rossi Ghiglione, Ian Algie, Gianni Bissaca, Alma Teatro..)
and play music (guitar, piano, voice, sinth, effects, digital sounds) with some group to get impression coming expression; i'have two blog:
you can find me on
where i give visibility to some plots, poetry and reflections,and you can find one of my present musical projects on
it's an experiment of ambient and electronic music quite similar to a metropolitan soundtrack.
Mi sono presentato in inglese per essere International, dovesse un giorno diventare corrente il cinese, mi aggiornerò..il mondo cambia veloce possibile registrarne le frequenze dando forma ad un linguaggio personale
Cerco sintonie e sinergie con linguaggi "musica" e "pensiero" d'autore.
Benvenuti nel mio spazio.
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