Ghost Hunting..Muay Thai....New Orleans Hoodoo, Spirituals movement, Animal Rights organizations, Animal Rescue groups, Steve Irwin's Wildlife Warriors
You Are: 30% Dog, 70% Cat
You and cats have a lot in common.
You're both smart and in charge - with a good amount of attitude.
However, you do have a very playful side that occasionally comes out!
Are You More Cat or Dog?Here are a few of the organziations I support.
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You are The Lovers
Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse.
The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made.
Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it you will never be complete.
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New Orleans Hoodoo, Magick, Martial Arts, Muay Thai, Ghost hunting, Meeting interesting people. Marie Laveau. New Orleans Famous Voodoo QueenIf f you don't know who Marie Laveau was then read on and learn how this famous woman change the face of doing powerful Voodoo magic forever! Born in New Orleans during the 1900s she learn her secrets from the masters of Voodoo.By the time she was in her early twenties, her name becomes a household word as a master of Voodoo magic. Her clients number among the rich, powerful, state officials and everyday common people. She was always there to help the poor and needy with whatever they could afford to pay her. In her early 30s they proclaimed her as the undisputed queen of Voodoo Magic.A Famous Voodoo Museum in New Orleans is dedicated to her!Her fame in New Orleans in the United States made New Orleans one of the famous capitals of known Voodoo Magic. Today her gave site is still visited by many believes in Voodoo who comes and touches her grave believing that she can still help them with their problems. Even today many T.V. shows around the world whenever they do a special on Voodoo, her name is at the top of the list as the most famous Voodoo queen in the world.Her Famous SpellsWhat made her so famous was the type of special work that she did. People would come to her for impossible things that needed to get done. People who had tired everything and everyone for a solution to their problems would seek her out in all directions. If a woman had a love problem with her mate and could not do anything about it. She would come to her. If her man ran off with another woman or was unfaithful to her.She would teach them how to cast a special spell that would make things all right. If a person was in bad luck or plague with evil spells and could not get ahead in life, no matter how hard they tried. They would come to her for special help, and she would tell them what to do to remove all the bad luck and make them lucky in all things. However, what really made her famous were these powerful spells that she taught her clients.
I'd like to meet:
Robbie Williams - Angel
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Jack Black, Ken Wantanabe, Jeff Corwin...Val Kilmer, The late Steve Irwin, A Real Vampire, Gerard Butler...Marie Laveau, Any and all animal abusers (evil sneer "I'm watching you...)Men that kill animals for sport and their fur....(more evil sneering)I'm looking for friends, animal lovers, animal rescue people, to talk, email, trade stories etc. Fellow Ghosthunters too!
You Were A Lion
You have a lethal combination of strength and energy.
You have strong family ties, and close friends are like family to you.
Put Your Heading Here
Many meat eaters suffer from a mental illness called disassociation.
They are unable to connect a pig (which is a living being with a soul and feelings) to the "bacon" (fancy word for pig) on their plates.
This is a pig being cared for and loved as it should be.
Pigs aren't evil and dont commit crimes against humans, so they're good.
Pigs have a mother and a father just like you do. They bond and love their families very much (they'd love you too if you gave them a chance).
When kids see pigs they dont immediately ask for a fork to eat it. They usually just pet them and smile while doing so. The children instantly know pigs are animals and want to befriend them.
See she's not trying to eat the pig at all. She really does enjoy making friends with the bacon.
I'm not too sure about this guy though. Lets just hope he's just kissing this pig and not trying to do a little taste test. We'll keep our eyes on him.
Now these guys definitely suffer from the disassociation. They just chopped our piglet friend's head off.
The people working at this market also suffer from the illness. They are so messed up that they hang our new friend's body from the ceiling and put it on display for all to see.
They dont just do this to pigs. They even skin other animals and try to sell their dead bodies to people.
Then the mentally ill take these dead animal parts home and feed them to their children. YES, they feed the blood, muscles, tendons, guts, and flesh to children.
To get the children to eat the animal flesh the mentally ill usually try not to serve the eyeballs of the animal or it's face. They also change the names of the animals to things like: pork, bacon, and steak. So lots of lying is involved in the sickness too.
Our grocery stores carry items to help with the disorder though.
For those that have gotten used to the taste of "hamburger meat" in your chili, sloppy joes, and spaghetti you can purchase this:
Its made from actual food and doesn't contain animals body parts.
Safe for children since there is no blood and guts in it.
Chicken flavored food made from food but tastes like chicken meat.
Also safe for children because it doesnt carry salmonella.
This tastes like "bacon" but no pig had to die to make it. Its real food too, not dead animals.
If you'd like help with your mental illness just go visit a farm sanctuary or petting zoo and hold your bacon before you eat it. Take children along with you. They will help you make the...My mood changes from minute to minute but right now I have the new Meatloaf cd, Chris Daughtrey, Tenacious D "Pick of Destiny" playing in my car.
New York Times: An Animals Place "There's a schizoid quality to our relationship with animals, in which sentiment and brutality exist side by side. Half of the dogs in America will receive Christmas presents this year, yet few of us pause to consider the miserable life of the pig - an animal easily as intelligent as a dog - that becomes the Christmas Ham. Quote the back of Even If You Like Meat literature cover.
Shirt @
Focus resources on the root of the problem - set quotas on breeders!Have a great productive week!Casey :) / (Support Veg Ventures!!!) (Find Veggie Shops/Eats Anywhere) (Health/Activism!) (Animal Rights LOL Comics)
Jack Black
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Any and all Paranormal or Supernatural. Spiritual, and Martial Arts etc.Here are a few things you can do to help stop the seal hunt:Join the international boycott of Canadian seafood products. You can start by signing the pledge, which can be found at If you would like to ask a restaurant near you to join the boycott, you can print out a PDF version of the pledge for seafood professionals and have them sign it.Sign the petition to urge the Canadian Prime Minister to stop the hunt.Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper protesting the seal hunt. Click here for suggested points you can make.Ask the designers who use seal fur and skin to stop providing a financial incentive for the seal hunt.Tell everyone you know about the seal hunt, and ask them to sign the pledge to boycott Canadian seafood and contact the Canadian government to demand the hunt stop. One way to spread the word is to download a PDF of the ProtectSeals brochure and leave copies in public places.Please visit Protect Seals and the International Fund for Animal Welfare.AV_layouts Check out this video: Beyonce Listern
all sci-fi etc. History ChannelI miss the Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin...
He was a beacon of light in a world that is tainted and thoughtless. He made others want to be better people and stop sitting back and watching animal abuse and neglect.Adopt an animal at the Australian Zoo at:
Here is one of my foster kittins and I am bottle feeding him
"Old" Anne Rice (pre-Imabornagain) novels, Kabbalah books, Books on alternative religions and beleifs, parnanormal books, etc.
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WITH MY EYESby Brenda ShossMy prayer tonight is for all who lie down in chains and cages.Alone and afraid on a concrete floor
Soundless screams lost beneath the clang of metal
Locked in rooms most will never see.I feel their fear arise in my soul
Ancient yet new...
A primal flame burning against the walls of my heart.I want to scream an endless note,
Loud and true:Clubbed.
Forgotten.And with my eyes, they will be seen.
With my voice, they will be heard.
With my hands, they will know comfort.
With my action, they will be free.Dear God, fill their oppressors with mercy and empathy.
Dear God, instill compassion where there is apathy.
Replace horror with grace.
Bloodshed with healing.Restore all humans and animals to their natural place.
Liberate all humans and animals from greed, violence and hate.So that tonight and evermore, ALL may lie down to sleep
unchained, uncaged, free.AMEN
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Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
The Flash
You are a wanderer with
amazing strength.
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Buddha, Gandhi, Women through the centuries that were killed for their beliefs or accused of being witches and burned. Animal Rescue organizations and individuals, Wildlife Warrior GRRL's Melanie, Tina, Steve and Terry Irwin.
Watch more videos at PETA.orgAnyone who stands up for animals in need!!!!