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New Chumbawamba Album - The Boy Bands Have Won

Chumbawamba are back, armed with acoustic guitars, accordion and trumpet, five-part harmonies, a bucketful of attitude and a new 25-track album called ‘The Boy Bands Have Won’. It actually has a much longer title than that* but let’s call it by its pseudonym.
Chumbawamba aren’t like other bands. I think that was clear around 20 years ago when they made their first album, ‘Pictures of Starving Children Sell Records’ as a response to Live Aid. Chumbawamba began with a mission to be interesting and arresting, to be literate and understanding.
The new album is a collection of such ideas; some are just passing thoughts, others are fully-formed songs. The album is gentle and warm in tone, but caustic in intent. There’s nothing worse than being wishy-washy; nothing worse than just sounding lovely and providing a backdrop for a gentle, pleasant, warm-weather pleasantness. Believe me.
‘The Boy Bands Have Won’ is Chumbawamba playing with culture, with the idea of recycling our own culture. We all have this vast history of ‘stuff’, musical and historical and in art and sport and politics and a million other things. And it’s all there for the taking.
So the band have written all these tunes and words and mixed them up with ideas about culture, mixed in samples of themselves from the past, mixed in a bunch of different musical styles and messed around with the Chumbawamba formula. Because that’s what too many bands do – stick to the formula. And that’s boring after a while. So here they go again, only this time it’s different again. And again. And again.
The album features guests the OysterBand, Roy Bailey, Robb Johnson, Barry Coope and Jim Boyes… and a hundred others, give or take a few. Some of its 25 songs tackle all the important stuff like poetry, war, death, knickers and Lord Bateman’s motorbike accident. There’s some heavyweight wrestling with WH Auden, Bertold Brecht and Lord Bono.
There’s a song about El Fusilado, the man who survived a firing squad execution. A song about Gary Tyler, an innocent man who has spent thirty years as an inmate on America’s death row. A song about Margaret Thatcher. And a song, ‘Add Me’, pre-released only on Chumbawamba’s MySpace site, a gentle dig at the creeps who clutter up cyberspace. The songs are sad, jolly, up, down, quiet, loud, slower, faster, all in a big mix. It’s a real modern-day concept album. Believe me.
*The boy bands have won, and all the copyists and the tribute bands and the TV talent show producers have won, if we allow our culture to be shaped by mimicry, whether from lack of ideas or from exaggerated respect. You should never try to freeze culture. What you can do is recycle that culture. Take your older brother’s hand-me-down jacket and re-style it, re-fashion it to the point where it becomes your own. But don’t just regurgitate creative history, or hold art and music and literature as fixed, untouchable and kept under glass. The people who try to ‘guard’ any particular form of music are, like the copyists and manufactured bands, doing it the worst disservice, because the only thing that you can do to music that will damage it is not change it, not make it your own. Because then it dies, then it’s over, then it’s done, and the boy bands have won.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/19/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Boff, Lou, Jude and Neil.

Faithful accordionist: Phil Moody.
Record Label: No Masters
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Not often will you hear us remarking that we really shouldn't have played such-and-such a gig  they're all interesting in one way or another, aren't they?  but tonight we chorus as one that, yes, we...
Posted by Chumbawamba on Thu, 01 May 2008 06:01:00 PST


Playing on the stage of a cinema, it seems  a beautiful building, fantastic sound (yes you get obsessive about a good monitor sound after a couple of weeks' worth of gigs), great audience, but alas, ...
Posted by Chumbawamba on Thu, 01 May 2008 05:58:00 PST


Almost exactly one year later and here we are at the same town and venue, same smiley bloke, same piano in the corner, same strangely quiet town surrounded by incredible wooded mountains. Lovely packe...
Posted by Chumbawamba on Thu, 01 May 2008 05:57:00 PST


The venue is big (too big for Chumbawamba on a Thursday night, obviously) but grand, as is the splendid cake presented to us by a lovely bloke after the show. A huge chocolate cake. There's a pattern ...
Posted by Chumbawamba on Thu, 01 May 2008 05:56:00 PST


Bremen. We love it here. We have a history here. In this city, in this place. The old slaughterhouse, the train station, Bettina and Dolf, the punks with dogs begging on the streetcorners, playing wit...
Posted by Chumbawamba on Thu, 01 May 2008 05:55:00 PST


Now here's a thing: The Street of Nations, grey-block buildings and a huge, monumental bust of Karl Marx, closer to a small mountain than a sculpture. People here tell us that it used to be a criminal...
Posted by Chumbawamba on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 08:19:00 PST


It's a Timebomb kind of evening. Meaning we're playing to six hundred people (on a Monday night for goodness sake!) and they are out for a good time. They sing along, they smile, they applaud, they ar...
Posted by Chumbawamba on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 08:05:00 PST


We can't remember whether we've played Halle before until we find ourselves on the street where we stayed last time and it all comes flooding back. There's the café where Phil put the waitress through...
Posted by Chumbawamba on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:48:00 PST


Now here's a place we haven't visited before. That's becoming a rarity in Germany now. Twenty years or so we've been playing Germany and I still haven't learned the language. Lazy git. So when we play...
Posted by Chumbawamba on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 09:35:00 PST


Now this is a city I could live in. That's obviously what us culturally-deprived northern Englanders think when in the metropolis of cool that is Berlin. Oh, we're so shallow. See, on this street ther...
Posted by Chumbawamba on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 06:03:00 PST