matadero cinco profile picture

matadero cinco

mundo matadero

About Me

El nombre del grupo es de Kurt Vonnegut - 'Un hombre sin patria'.
Queremos tocar un monton de diferente tipos de musica: ska, reggae, punk, drum and bass... cualquier. Libertad total.
Nous voulons chanter dans les langues differente...
C'est un melange de ska, reggae, drum and bass, latin beats and punky surf.
The name is a translation of Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut - 'A Man Without a Country'.
La bandera, arriba, es del EZLN Chiapas, Mexico. La lucha de ellos es la lucha de todo...
Gracias a Trucha
Graffiti: Amsterdam, Granada, Lisboa, Sevilla, Parma.
Gracias a LilVia
El Presidente: dedicado a el puto asesino.
Podenca Dog: tiene agujero del culo
Dance of the Dead: sobre el dia de los muertos, Mexico.
No Significant Problem: Bond theme meets Pulp Fiction.
Crazy World Blues: mundo loco - mundo matadero.
'Politik Kills' by Manu Chao: matadero remixI edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests


Member Since: 1/27/2008
Band Members: Colectivo Matadero son:

Bam Bam: cajon, congas, shaky thing
Cojones: bajo, voz, guitarra
Delgado: voz, guitarra, kazoo
G: voz, guitarra
Groove Rhythm Orchestra: bajo
Pena: bateria
El Pikaracho Colombia: voz
Slowdog: bajo
La Podenca: mascota oficial
Influences: Fela Kuti, Bob Marley, Amparanoia,
Los de Abajo, Compay Segundo,
Fabulosos Cadillacs, Moussu T e Lei Jovents,
Les Negresse Verte, Negu Gorriak,
Mano Negra, EZLN,
Pablo Neruda, Hunter S. Thompson,
Kurt Vonnegut, Federico Garcia Lorca,
The Clash, radiohead,
PJ Harvey, Nick Cave,
Lila Downs, Brenda Fassie,
Tinariwen, Orchestra Boabab,
Ali Farka Toure, Amadou and Mariam,
Manu Chao, Alfonso Cuaron,
Walter Salles, The Pogues,
Queens of the Stone Age,
Dead Kennedys, Dick Dale,
Massive Attack, Sargento Garcia,
Ojos de Brujo, Faithless,
Primal Scream, Tiger Lillies,
Cowboy Junkies, Angel Molina,
Asian Dub Foundation,
Alejandro González-Iñárritu,
Gabriel Garcia Marquez,
Laurie Lee,
Bar Estrella, Granada
Zack de la Rocha interviews Chomsky
Sounds Like: It's afro-ska, latino-surf, apparently...

Record Label: none
Type of Label: None

My Blog

matadero cinco remix Manu Chao

As you are aware (and probably sick of hearing about), we've remixed 'Politik Kills'. It's also available for streaming on his website (cunningly titled) www.politikills.comHemos remezclado 'politik ...
Posted by matadero cinco on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 09:30:00 PST

What were listening to at the moment

Obviously, we can't get everyone into our 'top friends'; however,we only add music/people we really like. Sorry if we don't contact you much, but it would be impossible. Here's some of the stuff tha...
Posted by matadero cinco on Sun, 18 May 2008 05:36:00 PST


If you want to see more go to LilVia and 1vy L3agu3's sites (in friends).Hay mas en la pagina de Lilvia y 1vy L3agu3 (en amigos).Si vous voulez voir plus, visiter LilVia (en amis).
Posted by matadero cinco on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 09:07:00 PST

Sonja Conscience

For all your socio-political needs, check out her site (in friends below)
Posted by matadero cinco on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 03:18:00 PST