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About Me


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OneFourOne is the first stage in Amsterdam that is focusing on urban and hip-hop related music currents. OneFourOne is a spot for musicians, performers, promoters, media, cultural organizations and for company’s who want to put in on a positive manner for expanding and creating more diversity in the Dutch stages. From OneFourOne, younger persons, promoters and cultural organizations are supported with putting up new initiatives. The red line through the programming is more based on music besides this offer we also offer space to different and new stage art like comedy, cabaret, theater, dance and art. With the programming, media outlets, small projects and cooperation from others we put ourselves in for helping different artists on all levels. Below a few fragments of the shows thats been given in OneFourOne.


My Interests


Member Since: 9/19/2006
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Type of Label: None

My Blog

Last man standing battles rules of engagement (dutch)

ML75.NL en ONEFOURONE PresenterenLAST MAN STANDING -PRODUCERS BATTLE- 16 Producers strijden in deze unieke Nederlandse battle om de titel: LAST  MAN STANDING PRODUCER  2007. Dit ke...
Posted by onefourone on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 07:17:00 PST