Myspace Anonymous profile picture

Myspace Anonymous

a place for fiends

About Me

God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.... ie. not spending hours glued to your fucking computer waiting for that "new messages" icon to appear.
This is a safe place we can all go to share our insane addiction to this incestuous web that is myspace. We thought we lost it completely with friendster, myspace took us to a new level.
This page is about helping you realize what a big internet dork you are, and how hard we really are trying to be COOL ON THE FUCKING INTERNET.
    Check your email before your regular mail
    Switch between showing yourself on and offline
    Check to see if sent messages are read, and if they are, wonder (or stress the fuck out) whether or not the person is going to respond
    Have done every survey known to man
    You have committed Myspacide, only to rejoin two days later because you’re going nuts
    Have friends all over the country that you have never met
    Comments make you happier than actual compliments in person from someone (no one else can hear it or read it, what’s the fucking point?)
    When you check your Myspace first thing in the morning and your heart drops when you see there are no new messages, no new comments, and only three people viewed you
    You have lost friends over Myspace
    You have a fake profile
    Your friends send you a message rather than calling you
    You have to be somewhere in ten minutes, you aren’t ready and still need to make a quick stop before that…yet you still get on myspace to see what’s new
    You’d rather sit at home and hang out on Myspace then go out with your friends
    You’ve pulled an all nighter on Myspace
    You went to the Tyhooke party and couldn’t believe he didn’t reveal himself, you’ve been trying to figure this guy out since Friendster! Fuck!
    Someone recognized you at a bar from Myspace and calls you by your screenname
    You post a bulletin requesting new comments (this is total myspace attention desperation)
    You do a weekly “clean up” of your friends list, going through each individual and figuring out ‘what have they done for me lately?’
    You not only check your sent messages but delete the replied ones, just so you can keep extra tabs on those outstanding messages
    Your heart begins to race and you feel the sudden urge to vomit when Pac Man appears on the screen
    F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
    You delete people’s comments because you are actually worried about what assumptions the Myspace community is going to make of you
    People post flyers on your site because you have 300+ friends and they know it will get some attention
    You spend more time at work Myspacing than doing actual work
    You don’t think you have a problem
    You spend your whole vacation not enjoying yourself because you’re trying to find internet access
    You actually let people know you are leaving town and not to worry, you’ll be back
    New pictures!!! Every day!!!
    You have traveled out of state to meet another myspacer
    Losing your internet access due to a hurricane is the biggest tragedy you can think of…even bigger than losing your actual home
    You take time out of your life to anagram out the word “Myspace Anonymous” You can meet people outside of Myspace?
    Bulletin posts because you have a new “blog”
    You are a swinger rather than ‘in a relationship’ because then more people will talk to you
    You post a comment to someone who has to ‘approve’ their comments, then keep checking back to see if they approve it..then if they don’t, freak out, and wonder why you’re so lame.
    New message icon makes your heart race
    You are engaged to someone from you met on myspace
    When the counter on your main page changes... do you go to your profile, everytime, to see if someone left you a new comment? Thanks, rebel girl!
Basic info will be updated regularly as to the trendiest answers for the listed questions.....when did any of us actually refer to ourselves as swingers before myspace??

My Interests

myspace, email, instant messaging, sleep, eat, _______ (insert other activity-drink, smoke weed, sex or let's be real here-masterbate, eat, breath) repeat....

I'd like to meet:

Fellow cracked out myspace users...or just add this to increase your friends list, you're in denial, you'll be back.Feel free to vent any myspace related ailments or confess any sins....we're here to help.


Whatever everyone else is going to read and think is cool so that they'll add me. Try to be broad in this category, it attracts more people...unless you are a hipster, then try really hard to name all the most obscure, local, super indie bands that only true scenesters know about. If you are into hip hop, feel free to name drop here, say which crews you run with it..etc. OR there's always copying everyone you think is cool's favorite music., that always works too.


See music..... Just try to let people know that you watch movies, especially if you're a dude and trying to get a girl off of here..she's more likely to come over and 'watch a movie' if you have a cool movie list.


There are two ways to go about TV, the "KILL YOUR TV" route or the "I admit it, I succumb to cheesy reality series and I love adult swim" tv lovers. No one really admits that their TV is on 85% of the time. Tivo users are in a class of their own.


No one really cares what you read. Definitely put porn in there some where.


Most people are either going to a) put a parent in here and say how much they rock. blah blah yeah that's MOST of our parents b) put their significant other, mentor, blahblah yeah yeah you love them or c) put someone they deep down feel really bad for but have them as a hero to boost their self esteem.

My Blog

Keep Myspace as your Drug

X-Blonde posted this on the of the friends on my friends list ODed this weekend. I know this page is sort of a joke about addiction, but being someone who has been through recovery and...
Posted by Myspace Anonymous on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


What the fuck is up with props?
Posted by Myspace Anonymous on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Deleting people?

Fellow crackhead, Mike, sugggested we discuss deleting people.... Do you feel bad about it? Do you do it take 'revenge' on someone? Are you a serial deleter/re-adder?...
Posted by Myspace Anonymous on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Why are they not responding????

When you see that someone has read your email... by looking at your "sent" mail... and they don't respond! You know they read it... but they pretend like they haven't yet! Is this something that you e...
Posted by Myspace Anonymous on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Anything bad *gasp* about Myspace?

What do you hate about Myspace?
Posted by Myspace Anonymous on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

When Myspace goes Pac-Man.....

Okay, all of your true addicts know about this one....What do YOU do when there is "Routine Database Maintenance"?
Posted by Myspace Anonymous on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Who have you met?

How many people have you actually met off of Myspace on your list? Also, please include any stories you may have of weird encounters, or email them to me and I'll post them up in an anonymouse message...
Posted by Myspace Anonymous on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Interesting Links...

Post up stuff you find odd, interesting, exceptional,et cetera et cetera... But please warn those of us who are professional myspacer (ie. we're at work getting paid to myspace) just in case it's ...
Posted by Myspace Anonymous on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What is the longest you've ever gone.....

without Myspace? Why? Did you have a difficult time?
Posted by Myspace Anonymous on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST