THE TRUTH AND PROCEDURE OF THESE ICKLE BOXES:This box is where you act like people actually care what you're interested in, and list every single hobby you've ever done, even the ones you tried once and gave up on like ballet. Or, if you're a true addict, you simply write 'MySpace'. Come on, you know it's true.
Whoever is willing and brave enough to admit they have a problem.There's a lot of love to go around.GAME OF THE MONTH:How game are you? Beat the rest, and get in our top friends!
In this box, you list all the artists you like, even if you only like one of their songs. The more the better. Or, you list the artists you think everyone likes, or really obscure bands so you look soooo alternative and cool. (Fyi: you're not. Go play in traffic) Meanwhile, you hide the fact that you still love Britney Spears, and secretly listen to 'Pokemon - 2 B A Master' in your spare time. Very few peope tell the truth about their music tastes. Trust no one who writes "oh, a bit of everything I guess".
Here, people will do one of two things - they'll either list all the movies they've ever watched, and would watch again if given the choice between, say, watching it or poking themselves in the eye with a stick. Soppy chick flicks always seem to make it into here, or comedies that are really popular for a few months. A couple of creative people will write quotes instead, which makes the reader think about what the hell movie they're talking about. This is good - it shows that they actually watched the movie, and aren't just trying to be cool. Kudos.
Most commonly written show? The Simpsons. It's a safe option - even those who don't like the show know that it's a huge pop culture hit, and are unlikely to hate you for it. If you don't like TV, then just leave this box blank. We don't need to hear a long spiel about how commercialistic the world is becoming, and how we all need to throw our TV sets into the ocean. Nobody cares.
Again, in this box, people will often list every book they've ever been forced to read at school so that they look "cultured". Or, they'll simply say "wat tha f*ck wuld u read books for? boring" - again, just leave this box blank if you're going to do that, I mean, come on, try not to waste five precious seconds of my life. Also, avoid simply writing "Harry Potter" - there are other books out there.
Most people will list all the people in their life and why they're so great so they look sweet and caring, and earn brownie points among their friends. Often, this is accompanied by pictures - please, if you're going to do this, at least try and make the pictures attractive. Or they'll write "Superman!"/"Spiderman!"/"Batman!"/anyone else who happens to wear a cape. It's up to you what you write - but please don't write Batman, he has got to be the lamest superhero ever - you can't be super if you have no powers!! Yeesh.