the great mango profile picture

the great mango

Mangos suffer so you can be free!

About Me

Well, mangos have strange lifestyles. We grow on trees, ripen, fall off, decompose, leave a seed, and become a new tree creating many new mangos. Understand that our lifestyle is uncomprehensible to you mere mortals.

My Interests

AIM = The Grt Mango Mangos are nice, enjoy them!

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Take the quiz:
What School Of Magic Are You?

you are transmutation, the art of turning things into other things! you are odd, but your strangeness and unique sense of individuality is an asset, not a problem. Next time someone calls you weird, just turn their cat into a giraffopus!


Mango, 80' synth beats!


LOTS! MMM..... I mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango


I love the OC and Desperate Housewives


Mmmmm, there are lots :), books have everything you could ever want!

