Member Since: 3/9/2005
Band Members:
Current Members (more or less):
Kevin "Sweet Revin" McKloskey - (Vocal, Mike Stand Destroyer!)
Greg "Hotsauce, Cocaine Cheeks" Hitchens - (Guitar, Vocals)
John "Ack Attack" Acker - (Bass)
Jesse "Lear Jet, The Evil Buzzard" Brooks - (Guitar, Vocals)
Jason "Nobody puts baby in a corner!" Craig - (Guitar, Vocals)
Noah "No-No, No Love" Martin - (Drums, Shit talker)
Ezra "Razzle Dazzle, Underdog" Reynolds - (Bass, Piano, Organ)
Former Members:
John "Pussy Control" Sterngnagle (Guitar 1999)
Brady "mutha fuckin'" Gray - (Guitar 1997-1998),
Frizzy "Can't we just all get along, Ezra 2" - (Bass 2001)
Joey Justice - To many "Tears of Fire" - (1989-91)
Desecesed Members:
Bobo - (drums, nudist 1993-1994)
Jesse at Club La Kiva in Terlingua, Texas
Greg workin' out before tha show. Come an' get some ladies!
Influences: Cows, Descendents, Jerry Jeff Walker, New Bomb Turks, Agony Column, Pocket Fishrmen, Tubronegro, Motley Crue, Jesus and Satan.
Sounds Like: Austin Chronicle
October 1, 1999
Freerange Bastards
Cut down in their sweaty, dilated-pupil prime last year by principal songwriter Jesse Brooks' abrupt move to Chicago, the Freerange Bastards belong to the ages now, but not before leaving this CD in their wake. A 10-song, 26-minute ode to being young and getting wasted, Freerange Bastards packs the swagger of an extended Cuervo bender and hits with all the force of the next day's hangover. Self-explanatory song titles like "Load a Bowl of Rock & Roll," "Raw Son of a Bitch," and "I Like My Cocaine in the Morning, Heroin at Night" say it all in the musical language of KISS, the Dead Kennedys, and the Reverend Horton Heat. The band goes Budokan on "Fulltime Nurse" (which was actually recorded live in Tokyo), gets Slayer-rific on "Salem Waters," and displays an admirable set of country chops on "If Drinkin' Was a Payin' Job" ("... I'd get a got-damn raise"). So even though they've gone to that big Cinema West in the sky, the damage is already done, and the legend of the Freerange Bastards will reverberate wherever fledgling Central Texas bands gather to watch pro rasslin', eat pork rinds, and kill Pabst Blue Ribbons by the case. Saaaah-lud!
Review by Chris Gray
Rare photo of the bastards looking for tour bus after Terlingua Texas show in '98
Type of Label: Major