Myspace Countdown or Myspace Layoutsfeaturing.... Pat Roach from L A 's Dimwits (members of the Dickies and Angry Samoans)
Rob Buford from such early 80's Austin punk bands, Crotch Rot and Rogers Diaper Collection ----
Wes Texas from The Bulemics and mid 90's H-Town punk honeys, Stinkerbell------------
Roger (EL BO) - man of mystery??? -------
Pat Doyle from the Offenders and Felix Griffin from DRI (Dirty Rotten Imbeciles) --
Thats the short version of who we are ---old school punk done by old school punks ---this page is new, and more will be added soon----- real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .Here's an interview Metal Dave did with us last year in San Antonio's THE EDGE Magazine...