In the late 70's I began to study Drums & Percussion with Gamby George at Karlshamn's Music School. I've also been studying with Peter Fältskog in Malmoe.
In 1981 I began to play in Karlshamns Musikkår (Wind Band). Some years later Karlshamns Musiksällskap (Symphony Orchestra) were in need of Percussionists why I started to play there too. Besides these two orchestras I also participated in the Music School's orchestras and its Percussion Ensemble.
In the band Faith I played some serious hard-rock in my teens. Amongst others we made a smaller tour in Finland, a load of demo-recordings and a 7" single entitled Hymn of the sinner. The 7" single has today been quite sought for in collectors markets since it only was pressed in 500 copies! More about the band further down...
The association Musikforum was a big source of inspiration in my teens. Partly because of their New Year Shows in which I played in the orchestra many times, but mostly because they arranged shows with both known and unknown rock & jazz artists.
In 1986 I had a part time teaching job at Olofström's Music School. This was very useful since it gave me the opportunity to sometimes sit in on the Drum stool with the 0456-Big Band from Sölvesborg. In Sölvesborg hard-rocking Mercy was a local act. Mercy was about to record their album King Doom on which I was asked to play the Drums, which I accepted. Because of different opinions I never got the credits for the Drums, instead I was thanked as P.Swenson and for having played Percussion!?!
During 1989-94 I lived and worked in Gothenburg, particularly in the in Lövgärdet world famous band Globe. With this band I, amongst others participated in the competition Rockslaget were we actually managed to get to the finals on Liseberg's grand stage. Besides Globe I also played Drums and Percussion in Lärjedalens Blåsorkester (Wind Band) and did some "sit ins" with the brass band Vinga Sextet.
In 1991 I had the privelage to meet with Dave Weckl - twice!
In 1993 my son Tobias was born!!!
During my time in Gothenburg Janne Stark had reached the finals in the competition Guitar battle of Sweden and were about to record for the finalists compilation CD. (We'd been playing together in the band Overheat) This former Overdrive guitarist is also the author of The encyclopedia of Swedish Hard Rock and Heavy Metal 1970-1996 and The Encyclopedia of Swedish Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Volume II. To make a long story short... I recorded the Drums on his tracks.
In 1994 I returned to the south of Sweden but this time to Asarum. Naturally I began to play in Karlshamns Musikkår and Karlshamns Musiksällskap again and also in Karlshamn Big Band. This year I also entered my duties as a Drum and Percussion teacher at Karlshamn's Music School. Besides teaching Drums and Percussion I also teach on the Recorder (Flute), leads two Percussion ensembles, one Drum Corps one School Ensemble (Wind Band) and co-leads the Wind Band Tryck & Blås.
1996 -2001 was I the Drummer in Troja Jazz Band. With this big band have I performed with artists such as: Svante Thuresson and Vincent Nilsson.
Six-Pack Boogie was a blues & rock band in which I played the Drums during 1995-97. With this band I've been in Denmark playing.
I've also played off and on in Locomotive Breath. (Together with Mr. Stark who are mentioned above.)
I've been with Blekinge Hemvärns Musikkår (Home Guard Wind Band) in Denmark representing Sweden, taken care of business in Blekinge Bataljons Musikkår (Brass Band) together with leading and rehearsing the Percussionists when ABF-Kören in Karlshamn (Choir) has performed for example Canto General, Misa Creola and Carmina Burana just to mention some famous works.With the choir I've also been in Poland playing.
In 1998 my book "Trum & Slagverksskolan" gets published by Warner/Chappell Music Scandinavia!
During the year 1999 I've been out doing some freelance with amongst others Nättraby Church Choir.
With Trelleborgs Musikkår did I, Summer 2000, participate in some fantastic days in the German city Scharbeutz!
Summer 2000 I moved from Asarum to Karlshamn.
2001-2002, my work at Karlshamn's Music School "flows" on - I have many both nice and skillfull students! Tobias has become 9 years old - says something about my own age ;- ) I'm still out and around playing quite a bit - and thanks to this I meet many interesting and nice persons... This spring, 2002, both Blekinge Läns Tidning and Sydöstran had articles about me - proffesional and private. Nice and flattering!
Faith resurrects - doomier and heavier than ever! During Summer 2003 the debut album is recorded to be released on vinyl (!) this fall by Stormbringer Productions.
The inauguration of Gothia Cup 2003 Nya Ullevi in Gothenburg - audience ca 43'000! In connection to the inauguration of Gothia Cup 2003 I had the privilage to meet Lasse "Kurt Olsson" Brandeby!
Spring 2004 The Partyband Five 4 Fun is formed, Faith cuts a deal with Doom Symphony, a division of the Italian label Underground Symphony. I start to live "a new healthier life"...
Winter 2004/2005 The Partyband Five 4 Fun is running smoothly, Faith records a new album for a future release. My "new healthier life" is going great - I've lost 25kg and feel better than ever before!!!
The past couple of years I've been hired at the Midsummer festivities in Södra Sandsjö - also 2005! During the Fall of 2005 have I completed my rehearsalstudio with a recordingstudio!
During Spring 2006 I got Janne Stark's trust to record 14 of the drum tracks on his forthcomming solo project Mountain of Power! :-)
I've also recorded drum tracks on Tribute albums for Guns n' Roses and Motley Crue.
Otherwise have I during the year made some gigs in the Ska-band "Bag-a-Boo" from Ronneby plus a gig with NOVAH Gospel Choir from Sölvesborg... this plus Five 4 Fun that has been busy and Faith that are working on new material and of course - my work at Karlshamn's Music School!
Timpani in Carmina Burana with Karlshamns Musiksällskap and ABF-Kören. Percussion in Skottårsorkestern anno 2006.
At the Äggstock festival this year had I the priveliege to perform with the local super heroes in the cult band Wizard Warriors :-)
A Homepage to my wonderful My have I also done... and much, much more...
Autumn 2006 - over before it began...
Besides my usual work att Karlshamn's Music School I've also work extra as Percussion teacher at Ronneby KPC - of course it costs, but it also pays of :-)
Otherwise it's full speed ahead... playing here and there... some new material is already out, more is on its way... besides Mountain of Power with Janne Stark I've also recorded with the Polish guitarist Michael Gapys and Italian singer Chris Catena.
Building a recording studio was obviously a smart investment... many new worlds and opportunitys have opened...
Spring 2007... Wow, so many things have happened... absolutely amazing - especially now when one can look back at the past semester and see that everything worked out and that everything actually was a succes :-) It all started with a well needed vacation on Teneriffe (Puerto de la Cruz) with my lovely My!
In April FAITH went abroad for "Doom Shall Rise V" - a festival in Göppingen - just outside Stuttgart in south-west of Germany. We were booked on a flight from Copenhagen/Denmark, due to cabin-crew strike we had to drive all the way through Germany... nice touch of Tour-feeling!
Home again one just had time to water the flowers and now leave for Gothenburg were FAITH was booked to attend "Gothenburg Metal Festival" - also here we got a feeling of touring and we really apreciated that we was given the opportunity to perform att GMF!!
Le grand Finale, this long but amusing spring, was to perform with Janne Stark's "Mountain of Power" at "Sweden Rock Festival"! Not only were we performing material from his album we were also playing material from guesting Micke "Nord" Andersson's solo album and acted as back-up act for Janne "Loffe" Carlsson performing Sweden's National Anthem (hard rock version) broadcasted live in Swedish National Radio but also to act as "house band" in Swedish National Radio's live broadcasting hard rock show DIST with Andreas Matz as program leader interviewing guests as Mikkey Dee (Motorhead) plus Klaus Meine and Rudolph Schenker (Scorpions) amongst others!
Ca 10'000 in the crowd and, what I was told, ca 800'000 listeners in Swedish National Radio... Coooool :-)
We had of course practised a little... ... much was there no time for ;-)
Mountain of Power - Live at SRF 2007 Me, David Fremberg, Chris Catena, Nalle "Grizzly" Påhlsson, Micke "Nord" Andersson, Janne Stark, Mattias Osbäck
To be part of something like this and get a chance to perform with skilled, professional an humble musicians like Micke, Nalle and Janne really gives an extra dimention to my own music making and is great fun and inspiering :-)
Besides all this fantastic I've also been a father, "part-time-living-together", musicteacher (100% in Karlshamn, 25% in Ronneby), "Five 4 Fun" (performing with LIVERPOOL) and much more... :-)
Autumn 2007 have been full of events and happenings...
New boss at work...
FAITH has, besides Ireland tour and gig in Gothenburg and Dörarp, begun its 3:d CD in my studio...
Left the Drum Stool in Five 4 Fun...
Bought a new Car... VOLVO S40 1.8 FlexiFuel - Yes, I'm more than pleased :-)
Substituting in Karlshamn Big Band...
Performed with ABF-Kören, Karlshamn...
Started to record the Drums to a forthcomming project called CONSTANCIA...
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