Warhawk profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

I was born into a military family and learned much about human nature and cultural differences through my family's travels as my father was assigned to different Air Force Bases. I learned to make friends easily and to adapt quickly to my new surroundings. I graduated from High School in the family’s home state of Mississippi: my thirteenth school in twelve years. Nomadic life agreed with me: I enlisted into the United States Air Force immediately after High School. As a young Airman I was introduced to fantasy adventure gaming through Dungeons and Dragons and had found a new pastime. I was never content with the superficial approach to gaming so I worked hard to design elaborate, believable gaming scenarios with characters that came to life and gave new meaning to our games. Marriage and fatherhood placed my gaming scenarios on the back burner until my own retirement from the Air Force. I now reside in central Illinois. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Business and am certified as a Pathologists' Assistant. I work at a large hospital and now spend much of my free time writing fantasy based on the elaborate gaming scenarios from my past. My first novel, The Lost Keep of Kaywall, was released and well received at this year's GenCon. I am currently working on the next book and have titled it, "Beyond the Black River Styx". More can be found about me and my work at www.GreyRealm.com

My Interests


I'm a classic rock kinda guy


Isn't that just for football


A Prisoner's Welcome by Shane Moore / The Shadow Chaser by Dylan Birtolo / Sharamitaro by Jonathan Rudder


Any one not afraid to chase a dream...

My Blog

Male breast cancer awareness

I would like to announce to all my friends on MySpace that I am pledging 15% of my book royalties from "The Lost Keep of Kaywall" ISBN: 1-58992-369-9 to The John W. Nick Foundation (www.johnwnickfound...
Posted by Warhawk on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 03:53:00 PST


I finished a novel by a writer I met at GenCon a few months ago.  Jonathan Rudder is a quiet, down-to-earth, humble writer and I was very impressed by the detail and complexity he placed in this ...
Posted by Warhawk on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 06:36:00 PST

First Blog

Well it is a slow rainy Saturday afternoon and time for my first Blog entry.  This should prove to be an exciting week.  My first novel, The Lost Keep of Kaywall, is being released from the ...
Posted by Warhawk on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 02:39:00 PST