Writing, Reading, Writing and Recording Music, AND SPENDING AS MUCH TIME WITH MY KIDS AS POSSIBLE.
In the Dead and wished I'd met catagory: Ayn Rand, David Gemmell, Andrew Jackson, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, Nicola Tesla, Ronald Reagan, the Wright Brothers and the inventor of the internal-combustion engine.
Still alive catagory: Terry Goodkind, Terry Brooks, David Eddings, Bozo the Clown, Seth the creator of FAMILY GUY, Ron Rosenbaum, Mark O'Connell, Sarah Douglass, Christopher Walken. There are so many others and I can't think of them now. I promise I'll list them as I think of the rest.
Echo Effect, Down and Above, Dropping Daylight, Thornley, Big Wreck, Incubus, taproot, Breaking Benjamin, Secret Solution. Again there are a few I'm missing but will list as I think of them.
Man on Fire, Man on Fire, Man on Fire, Spaceballs, Remember the Titans, Robinhood Men in Tights, Serenity, Larry Flynt's Barely Legal 1-142,Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. If it's an Action, Comedy, SciFi/Fantasy movie I'll probably watch it and enjoy it.
Mythbusters, Family Guy, American Dad, Dead Like Me, NFL, and anything on the History or Discovery Channels.
All of David Gemmell's books. Most Terry Goodkind. C.S. Friedman, Trudi Canavan, Sarah Douglass, David Eddings, Terry Brooks Kingdom for Sale series, Barb and JC Hendee, Michael Stackpole, Kristin Britain. Crap, I've read almost 2000 books but these are the ones that stand out right now. There again will be more and I will list them as I remember them.
My brother, My parents, My Daughters, My Wife for putting up with me and David Gemmell the best author of our time. He is the reason I have gone from literary bystander to Active Writer.