B.N. Svenson Fantasy Writer profile picture

B.N. Svenson Fantasy Writer

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Thanks for stopping by. I am a writer from Minnesota who works mostly in the Fantasy genre. I have a few short stories that may not quite be considered Fantasy but the novels sure are. The first series of books will be titled "Memories of Stone" and should include 3-4 books. There are many stories to be told in this world and I hope to bring a few of them to life for you. I have also been working on short stories set in this world to help me develope the characters and the setting in which all of the action takes place. I plan to put the short stories up here in blog form within a couple months. I also do not have a complete synopsis to preview but as I get closer to finishing the first book I will post it in this "About Me" section.

One final note on the pictures in the Pic's section. They are not, I repeat, NOT drawings of my characters or settings but some of the inspiration I used to develope them. Most of the pictures are credited to the author, if they are not and they are your pictures please let me know your info and I will post it. If you wish me to take them down I will as I have no wish to infringe on the rights of any artist. There are 3-4 pieces from an artist named Henning Ludvigsen. And he has graciously give permission to use his artwork on here as long as I put his website on here and credit his work. As I'd like to work with this artist in the future I will do everything in my power to accomodate him. http://www.henningludvigsen.com is his website. He is such a talented artist. His work is so powerful and detailed. Please check his stuff out and buy it in print form if you like it. Thanks Mr. Ludvigsen! fantasy layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com music / movies
HotFreeLayouts I'm the Fat "Bald" one... And yes the guy standing next to me is THAT short. And did you notice that I played in a band with Napolean Dynamite? Funny huh? Anyways, check out www.myspace.com/echoeffect to hear the music. Really. It's good stuff. And no, Napolean is no longer our Bass player.

My Interests

Writing, Reading, Writing and Recording Music, AND SPENDING AS MUCH TIME WITH MY KIDS AS POSSIBLE.

I'd like to meet:

In the Dead and wished I'd met catagory: Ayn Rand, David Gemmell, Andrew Jackson, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, Nicola Tesla, Ronald Reagan, the Wright Brothers and the inventor of the internal-combustion engine.

Still alive catagory: Terry Goodkind, Terry Brooks, David Eddings, Bozo the Clown, Seth the creator of FAMILY GUY, Ron Rosenbaum, Mark O'Connell, Sarah Douglass, Christopher Walken. There are so many others and I can't think of them now. I promise I'll list them as I think of the rest.


Echo Effect, Down and Above, Dropping Daylight, Thornley, Big Wreck, Incubus, taproot, Breaking Benjamin, Secret Solution. Again there are a few I'm missing but will list as I think of them.


Man on Fire, Man on Fire, Man on Fire, Spaceballs, Remember the Titans, Robinhood Men in Tights, Serenity, Larry Flynt's Barely Legal 1-142,Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. If it's an Action, Comedy, SciFi/Fantasy movie I'll probably watch it and enjoy it.


Mythbusters, Family Guy, American Dad, Dead Like Me, NFL, and anything on the History or Discovery Channels.


All of David Gemmell's books. Most Terry Goodkind. C.S. Friedman, Trudi Canavan, Sarah Douglass, David Eddings, Terry Brooks Kingdom for Sale series, Barb and JC Hendee, Michael Stackpole, Kristin Britain. Crap, I've read almost 2000 books but these are the ones that stand out right now. There again will be more and I will list them as I remember them.


My brother, My parents, My Daughters, My Wife for putting up with me and David Gemmell the best author of our time. He is the reason I have gone from literary bystander to Active Writer.

My Blog

The Prune, The Bag and the Black Senator from IL.

Man, every election year it seems that we get an even bigger dose of Election Coverage than the previous cycle. And every year we are given a reason for why this happens. We all know the reasons for t...
Posted by B.N. Svenson Fantasy Writer on Sat, 31 May 2008 11:08:00 PST

Poop by any other name is still poop...

CAUTION! GRAPHIC KID/POOP TALK TO FOLLOW!     I have always found poop funny. It's not that I have a kinky fetish with poop, just that I find the word and the "forbidden" social status of po...
Posted by B.N. Svenson Fantasy Writer on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:56:00 PST

For Wolfpack Players...

There comes a time when you have to make a choice about your future with any organization. When I played for the Wolfpack last season it was one of the greatest experiences I've had since my kids w...
Posted by B.N. Svenson Fantasy Writer on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 07:22:00 PST

I am a sociopath! YAY!!!!

Every now and then I get addicted to online "Tests". You know the type. They have no scientific method or results that come close to being accurate. I still love doing them. It makes me an internet ju...
Posted by B.N. Svenson Fantasy Writer on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 06:36:00 PST

My Journey into another medium...

As an artist I know the pull others like me have to experience other forms of art. I'm a musician who is also a writer. I also love to paint terribly. No  not a terrible love of painting, I mean ...
Posted by B.N. Svenson Fantasy Writer on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 06:31:00 PST

Selfish or Self-sacrificing

Sorry I've been gone for so long. There are so many things going on in the outside world that it's been hard to actually sit down and blog... or write. In fact I really don't have the time to be doing...
Posted by B.N. Svenson Fantasy Writer on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 09:45:00 PST

Ooops. The Pardigm shifted without a clutch...

At 31 I'm firmly planted in the middle years. Not quite young enough to fit in with the teenagers or 20 somethings and just too darn young for the old timers. I don't for one moment regret my age or t...
Posted by B.N. Svenson Fantasy Writer on Wed, 30 May 2007 04:29:00 PST

Two in a day... and this one is about writing. Finding time to write actually.

Football and trying to scrape together enough work(Self-employment is great when you actually MAKE money) to pay the bills has kept me from writing as much as I should have been doing. Both FB an...
Posted by B.N. Svenson Fantasy Writer on Wed, 30 May 2007 09:01:00 PST

Does anyone hear you scream when you get sacked by a 300 pound Lineman?

So I'm going to dispense with the good news right away so I can get right into the photo's. We are now 2-0. Everyone in the League and the area didn't give us a chance. We are un-FUCKING-defeated! Don...
Posted by B.N. Svenson Fantasy Writer on Mon, 28 May 2007 09:28:00 PST

Brad Svenson 3:19

Did anyone catch the Steve Austin reference? It took me a while to figure out a quirky title for this blog and this is where I ended up.   Well, it's official. While at the Podunk Coun...
Posted by B.N. Svenson Fantasy Writer on Thu, 24 May 2007 05:59:00 PST