YOUNG, SINGLE & ANGRY...I've been eating, sleeping and breathing this film for years!!! I look forward to having a life again!
THE YOUNG, SINGLE & ANGRY SOUNDTRACK includes original music by; Jon Mattox, 7K, Sterling Witt, Uni, Sue Paine, Heather Stewart, Alpha Cat, Young Dubliners, Erinn Williams, Brian Cram, Simon Lynge and Jason Whitton.Produced by Jon Mattox Score by Jon Mattox
YOUNG, SINGLE & ANGRY is about TAYLOR who has believed since childhood that love and marriage are the most important events in every woman's life. Now she's 35 and single... WHAT THE $%^& HAPPENED?!! As Taylor and her friends wade through the mire of the L.A. dating pool, they realize a lot more is involved in finding the right mate as they meet co-dependents, addicts and sexual deviants.
What Not To Wear, Rome(Don't you just want to just climb Ray Stevenson like a tree?), Chuck, Samantha Who?, Life, Reaper