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TELMARY:Hip hop,trip hop,jazz poet,flow-"mucho flow cubano". She was born in Havana,Cuba(march 10,19...)She is the most authentic rapper of the island.Her studies of English.thetre,photografy and screenplay writing have shaped her as an artist and helped her ultimate goal,to comunicate. Her first band:FREE HOLE NEGRO,1999.She joined the INTERACTIVE PROJECT in 2002,a band whith a diverse sound that tranforms from a jazz trio to an orchestra.Whith grace and virtuosity they travel through funky,jazz,hip hop and more,maintaining their cuban flavour through out.Commanding the "INTERACTIVE"ship is Roberto Carcasses,the aclaimed cuban pianist. Telmary has collaborated with many artists ,including PÃŒo Leyva(Buenavista Social Club),Gema y Pavel,Yusa,Isaac Delgado,Gerardo Alfonso,Giraldo Piloto,Lucia Huergo,X alfonso,Kelvis Ochoa,Vanito Caballero,Francis del Rio,los Van Van,Willian Vivanco,Descemer Bueno,and has been involved in several proyects such as ,Rotilla proyect,Cool Cool Filin,and of course INTERACTIVE. Now Telmary starts her solo project .She just finished her first album "A DIARIO"----------------------------------------------------- -----------------------A Diario, the incredible debut album of the poetess and rapper Telmary Diaz, constitutes one of the most remarkable achievements of the new wave of cuban music. It champions the integration of diverse musical languages and styles, mostly contemporary, into an aggregate where fusion is a virtue and orthodox approaches are broken up. Produced by her friends Yusa and Roberto Carcasses, the album uses Hip Hop as the framework for her controversial and combative lyrics, with a reformist musical ethos. It travels from the alternative pop interpretation of Afro-cuban music, as on Rezo a Elegguá or the Miami style Hispanic Rock of Fiesta to the spicy and feminist guaracha Que equivoca..o, the straight timba of the second section of Rumba pa.. ofrendarle, or the Flamenco piece Sueño Brujo, which features the well known Spanish band Ojos de Brujo. Apart from its other virtues, what is really interesting about this album is that it distances itself far from the ghosts that undermine Hip Hop of hispanic origin. Telmary is set on providing a musically talented set-up, on using a positive lyrical language that seeks to unify where others try to provoke with ill-advised confrontation and facile commercialism. Telmary sings and writes as she lives, conserving her emotional powers, her concerns of and for the common cuban. She seduces and captivates with her poetry: if the new Cuban musical miscegenation has a high-priestess, it is surely her. With the collaboration of more than fifty musicians and featuring many of the stars of her generation (the rapper Kumar, the composer and producer Athanai, the soneros Mayito Rivera and Francis del RÃo, the songwriter William Vivanco, etc.), A Diario is one of the most thoughtful projects of recent years in Cuba.-----------CD "X MORE’".X ALFONSO.2000CD "ART BEMBE’".GEMA Y PAVEL.2004CD "MARGINALES.COM".ACEITUNA SIN HUESO.2004CD "COOL COOL FILIN".AHORA PRODUCTION,JAPON.2004CD "FORTIFICANDO A DESOBEDIENCIA".XIS,BRASIL.2002CD "TRANQUILO".DJ DALUA,BRASIL.2002CD "SENTIMIENTO".FRANCIS DEL RIO.2003CD "BREATHE".YUSA.TUMI MUSIC.2005CD "WANTED".INTERACTIVO.2003CD "SUPERFINOS NEGROS"FREE HOLE NEGRO.2005CD "CUBA 21".COMPILACION DE EMI MUSIC.2004CD "NADIE SE PARECE A TI".KLIMAX.2004CD "LA RUMBA SOY YO II".VARIOS,BIS MUSIC.2005CD"GOZA PEPILLO".INTERACTIVO.BIS MUSIC.2006CD"A DIARIO "TELMARY.BIS MUSIC.2006-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------Telmary se considère elle-même « une poète jazz »,. Elle est la rappeuse cubaine la plus originale et s..est forgée une réputation d..artiste novatrice d..ampleur internationale. Sa carrière musicale débuta comme membre des groupes de rap Free Hole Negro et Interactivo. D..autre part, elle a enregistrée ses disques avec le fameux rappeur Xis, avec Isaac Delgado, Giraldo Piloto, X-Alfonso, Francis del Rio, Yusa et le très célèbre duo Gema et Pavel. Elle dirige actuellement son propre groupe . Sans perdre son image de rappeuse, elle interprète aussi de la rumba au reggae et du triphop au jazz poète. Ses concerts son caractérises par la fusion et le mélange entre l..acoustique, le naturel et l..électronique. Telmary représente l..authenticité de ce qui est le meilleur dans la création populaire contemporaine. Les thèmes de son récent album A diario nous font réfléchir à la réalité sans pour autant laisser de nous amuser. On dirait a Cuba:... il est bien de s..amuser mais sans décoller les pieds de la terre... Des sujets tels que la violence et la discrimination, le respect a la diversité et l..envie de transformation, sont exposés sérieusement mais sans chalance, ce qui nous porte a croire ses mots qui touchent amplement la sensibilité de l..auditoire.