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Bishop Hurricane Johnson

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Rev. Hurricane Johnson the pastor & founder of Changing Your Life Family Worship Center recieved his calling at the age of 16. Rev. Johnson has traveled throughout the United States preaching and teaching the Word of God. On July 10,1994, Rev. Johnson ran his first service at the Days Inn auditorium (1700 W Broward Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale,Fl) known as the Monday Night Special. Six months later he recieved his commandment from God to no longer be a revivalist but a shepard to His people and instructed him to call His ministry CHANGING YOUR LIFE MINISTRY. Through-out his pastorialship, Rev. Johnson has touched the lives of thousands of people. Afetr ending his work at the Days Inn, He was commisioned to go to the city of Oakland Park Fl. November 11,2001 Rev. Johnson and The Changing Your Life Family moved to 2901 W Oakland Park Blvd.On Dec. 1-3,2001 Rev. Johnson orchestrated an annual conference called the United Peoples World Conference, its purpose was to "bridge the hands of the community". Where-in he united many people, organizations, and religious leaders together such as the POLICE DEPARTMENTS,THE NAACP, THE BLOOD CENTER, AND THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. He has also brought down well known artist such as Second Chapter,The Winans,Sirley Ceasar, Candi Staton, Vickie Winans, and Lashun Pace. After years of accomplishments and seven procamations given to him from 3 different City Mayors, God felt that it was time to bring Rev. Johnson's vision to past.After almost five years of being at their location, the Hand of God fell upon the Changing Your Life Family. May 1,2006 Rev, Johnson and CYL once again moved to their recent location 4501 Nw 31st ave. Oakland Park, Fl 33310. 10,000 sq. ft water-front property. Here, his vision is begining to sprout forth. Selected ministries are coming to pass such as, BREAD OF HEAVEN (soup kitchen), a G.E.D SCHOOL, a BIBLE BOOK STORE, and FUN ZONE (for the young people)The Henry Johnson Library, The CYL Ministerial School of Ministry Learning.Bishop Johnson is a widely known radio personality, appearing on TBN several times, hosting now his own television show on local stations.The blessings of God is not only upon the CYL family but also upon Pastor Johnson himself. In the month of June 2006, Rev. Johnson recieved his Doctorial Degree. With-in a months timing the Reverend Dr. T.G. Thompson, his father, ordained now Dr. Johnson to Bishop.Bishop Johnson serves as a spritual father but, most importantly a natural father. Bishop Johnson is wedded to First Lady Jeanette Johnson and fathers five children. Greg Johnson (M.D of CYL, keyboard & drum player), Charles and James ( "CHRISTAIN BOYS" dance group of CYL), Destin (Drummer of CYL & "SABACH" dance group of CYL), and Lisa Johnson ("LIFE" praise and worship team of CYL / MINISTER IN TRAINING). Bishop Johnson has accomplished his duties in installing morals and the Word of Godinto his family.Bishop Johnson...... A LEADER, A TEACHER, A PREACHER, A FATHER, A REVEREND, A DOCTOR, A BISHOP, and A FRIENDBishop Hurricane Johnson / A TRUE MAN OF GOD!
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My Interests

Watching videos with my children, Listening to my Son Greg Play,my son ibn dance,my son destin play drums,my daugther preach, watching my grandson preach. Music,pool with my brother torrey*
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I'd like to meet:

Rev. Jesse Jackson, Bishop G.E.Patterson, Pastor Richard Henton, Bill Gates


Gospel jazz, Old fashion gospel songs


Godfather 1 2 3 & oldies


Comedy ( clean )


Pool, Playing Football*mspmb src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" width="280" height="298" wmode="transparent" flashvars="nopanel=true&imgpath=http%3A%2F%2Fimg157.rock 1053199.jpg&glitterp=true&roundp=false&sepiap=fa lse&theme=.swf&shadowp=true&bevelp=false&wid th=280&height=298&imageWidth=280&instanceid=0&am p;version=2&&userid=8447098&createDateString=Feb %2009%20%