Prophetess J Brittany Woods profile picture

Prophetess J Brittany Woods

To The Body Of Christ Will Thou Be Made Whole

About Me

Hello, To the Body Of Christ; this is Apostle/ Prophetess J. Brittany Woods.I would like to thank all of you for visiting my page. I pray in some way my page will be a blessing to you.Prophetess J. Brittany Woods was born in the Charleston, West Virginia. She was saved while still a child and realized she was gifted at the age of five. She received the baptism of the Holy Ghost while a teenager and soon after began to minister in the Church of God in Christ. Prophetess Woods began to seek God earnestly for a deeper walk with Him, desiring to be used as an anointed vessel of the Holy Spirit. She is the devoted wife of Apostle Willie Woods Jr., who is the Founder, Chief Apostle and Presiding Prelate of "Garden of God" [Full Gospel Christian Fellowship, International] an Interdenominational, Non-denominational, multi-cultural, fellowship of churches based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Prophetess J. Brittany Woods is also Co-Founder and First Administrative Assistant to her husband.After suffering the loss of a teenage son in the year of 1996, Prophetess Woods suffered a period of profound grief. During that time she experienced bouts with anxiety (panic attacks) and also suffered an emotional breakdown.One night, God gave her a heavenly experience. It was a dream but more than a dream. She visited paradise. She glimpsed the afterlife of believers and the plight of the unsaved going to judgment after death. She was escorted by angels to the portals of glory. She experienced 360 degree vision, heaven's eternal, glorious light and heavenly music from every heavenly item. She was greeted by her teenage son and other children who had been lost by miscarriage on planet Earth. The Lord, Himself, ministered to her and healed her, then and there.The experience was not unlike the reported near death experiences of several other Saints of the Most High God. She came out of this "heavenly encounter" emotionally healed and delivered. To the Glory of God, Prophetess Woods has never suffered another panic attack. Her ministry has since gone to another level of compassion, anointing, grace and power.To commemorate this glorious encounter, God has commissioned Prophetess Woods to write "Comfort from Heaven." This writing will give the detailed account of her heavenly experience and offer prophetic words of blessings, comfort, assurance and consultation to all persons experiencing grief and trials of faith.In 2001, Prophetess Woods Founded W.O.W.! ("Women of Worship").Women of Worship is an international ministry for women who have experienced loss, brokenness and emotional pain. Prophetess Woods encourages women to regain total wholeness and deliverance through the principles of the Word of God, faith and prayer. Her greatest endeavor is to unite Pastors and Leaders across this nation to be "On One Accord;" highlighted at "The Gathering of the Eagles Conference 2007". She has also founded "Hey Girlfriend "International Ministries and Daughters of Destiny". Conferences under the "Hey Girlfriend' and 'Daughters of Destiny" banners are held periodically and chapters now being opened around the nation and beyond.If you are interested in hosting a Hey girlfriend Summit or Chapter in your area, please contact Prophetess J. Brittany Woods, .. [email protected] or call 1-502-482-6269. These chapters are not a denomination, are not in conflict but are compatible with any church of sound Christian doctrine and have proven to be an enhancement to any pastor's program. These ministries reveal and shed light on the scriptural role of women in the Body of Christ. Prophetess and her staff teach biblical precepts and lead by example, promoting the fact that women are not restricted but "loosed" in the New Testament Church. They encourage practice of tenets of dignity, decency and diligence, integrity, honesty, industry, etc. This ministry supports and encourages strong marital bonds as well as loyalty and support to ministerial leadership. Hey Girlfriends has no age limitation. Included are those "precious pearls,' 'the golden girls' and 'that diamonds-in-the-rough." The "diamonds-in-the-rough," are women of God waiting for the clarity of their beauty to shine. You know, "that's them diamonds-in-the-rough! Be patient with them; God is not through with them yet."Hey Girlfriend Ministries" endeavors to educate, heal, uplift and restore today's women. "Hey Girlfriend Ministries" also endeavors to re-connect women whom have been discon-nected through divorce, separation, physical, emotional, sexual abuse, dysfunctional family relationships, etc. "Hey Girlfriend Ministries" seeks to minister to the total woman; to bring the total woman to the prayer room of intercession. "Hey Girlfriend Ministries" seeks to unite "Now Day women of God" (the Now day Lydias, Deborrahs, Ruths, Annas, Naomis, Hannahs, Abigails, Marys, and certainly Mary Magdelines, out of whom Christ cast out seven devils; such as the woman at the well whom Christ brought from prostitution into evangelism; last but not least – the modern day 'Proverbs 31 woman – "A virtuous woman, who can find?) into their kingdom destiny.Prophetess J. Brittany Woods' most recent ministerial ventures include a School of the Prophets which will open in the fall of 2007 and the "One Accord Ministry" that promotes spiritual solidarity and unity in biblical instruction, leadership and practice is now in process. This ministry is designed to equip and unite leaders in the principles of apostolic order – the five fold ministry paradigm of the church. One Accord Ministry calls for the early church manifestations of unity, fellowship and demonstration of power as a ministerial paradigm for the 21st century church. Conferences and crusades for church leaders are exploding across the country under her direction.The new magazine: "Real talk for Today's Women" will be issued in March, 2007. The feature article will be entitled: "A Quiet Storm." The book: "Comfort from Heaven," will also be in publication in 2007. This book will bless anyone who has suffered loss. It will promote understanding of the biblical perspective of life, death and grief. "Real Talk for Today's Women Bible Study Group Chapters" are opening in various cities across the nation. Prophetess J. Brittany Woods' long awaited talk show "Real Talk" is now in preparation.Prophetess Woods is available for speaking engagements. She ministers in seminars, regional and national church conferences, and local churches, as well. She specializes on the subjects of: (1.) Apostolic and Prophetic Alignment and (2.) Apostolic and Prophetic Advancement; (3.) Enemies of the Apostolic; (4.) Prophetic Operations; (5.) Apostolic Living; (6.) Prophetic Training and (7.) Spiritual Warfare-Prayer. She emphasizes the five-fold paradigm of the church (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers). Prophetess Woods says: "This is the Apostolic and Prophetic age and God is raising teams to teach, train, impart and activate the local church." The manifestation of her prophetic gift stirs faith and promotes church growth. Prophetess Woods also ministers "Deliverance," (liberation) from demonic influences and healing from assaults and attacks against the church and church leadership. She is anointed to change the atmosphere at the local, regional and national level.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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My Interests

Church,Shopping,Interior Design,Decorating, Travelling,Cooking Another one of my interest is seeing God's people delivered from the hand of the enemy.

I'd like to meet:

Hosted By


Fred Hammond, Dorinda Clark-Cole, Men of Standard, J.Moss,


Second Chance, The Matrix, Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of The Rings, The Rapture, Left Behind, The Five Heart Beats, X-Men


TBN, The Word Network, CNN,Wailing Women


The Holy Bible, The Bait of Satan, Don't Die In The Winter, Intercession, Pigs in The Parlor


Jesus, Mother Roberta Warren, Mother-Juanita Adams. The Man I'm very passionate about and can say without him there would be no me. Is Apostle Willie Woods Jr.(My Husband, My Hero)