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About Me

Greetings friends from MySpace! May the radiant sun of the Almighty and sovereign God shine upon your lives dissipating the clouds of uncertainty and filling it with light as it cleans our panorama I welcome you to this page which is dedicated to the Glory of God, and to share with all of you the rich fragrance of the richest and pure perfume of spikenard saved in alabaster flask in order for it to be poured upon you, the co-participants of this site. By now you have already noticed my name “elalabastro”. Well now I can let you in on certain basic facts about this exquisite material. The first time I came across this word “alabaster” was precisely the day I had my encounter with my Lord and Savior JesusChrist, while skimming through the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God. In doing so I found myself captivated with the verses found in the Evangel of St. Mark 14:3, I was so deep into this beautiful passages that I could feel the essence that emanated through the pages read. What a refreshing verse! Wow! The significance is much more moving … touching for this narration is not only registered in Mark, but also found recounted in the Evangels of Matthew. It’s the scene where Jesus is a guest in the home of Simon, the leper. A woman of a doubtful reputation is seen there anointing Jesus with a perfume that was extracted from the dry leaves of an exotic plant which was found in the Himalaya Mountains. The alabaster, a species of a very hard rock, but at the same time when it is cut to a density…not too thick, it is translucent almost transparent. Now days we see lampshades, finest gobblets, perfume bottles and many other households made with this beautiful whitish material. Jesus is like the alabaster flask by pouring salvation at the crucifixion, His blood perfume of salvation. I long for you to continue reading, for there is perfume here for you …. We read in Mark 14:3 “And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head”. I dare to ask my dear reader … How many time have you been rejected? Despicd or treated unjustly? Tell me … have you not, at a point in your life gone through this bitter experience? Perhaps your peers from school or your place of employment, your family … even worse by religious people, whom state they are christians. To say the truth … when we refer to reject some one, it refers to the religious people, for these are the ones whom score most points. You are probably thinking that I lost my train of thought here … but this is not so and I’ll proceed to show you how all this is Divinely connected. In this bible verse the object of great interest is not the perfume or the flask of alabaster. The interest should be placed upon three characters: Jesus, the woman with alabaster flask, and Simon the leper. Jesus the son of God … rejected because of His creed, His doctrine. The woman rejected by society, because of her doubtful reputation and at the same time commiting something foolish,like breaking a bottle of perfume for humanity … this was a waste …they said … It was senseless. Have you been pushed a side for one of these three reasons: 1) Creed 2) Physical condition 3) Supposedly ignorance I believe I am knocking at the doors of your house . My friend, look at the way Jesus was rejected, eventhough He went through all this … He does not refuse no one. Remember … He was at a lepers home Eatting! Let me bring this to now days … This was like Jesus eatting at the home of a person afflicted with HIV (aids) The man had leprosy the man was a HIV positive person, “Don’t get near him, nor sit at the table with him … for you are liable to get contaminated!” Jesus … Oh thank you for Jesus, Lord! Ohhhh you have to love Jesus! If you been rejected by everyone, there will come the day you are encountered with Christ, who will invite you to come to Him … Who will with arms wide open will then ask you “Come … I will not reject you, “I will embrace you”, “I will forgive you” “I will cleanse you”, I will heal you”, “I will save you”… Right after this encounter … look for that alabaster flask filled with exquisite perfume and crack it open … break it open for JesusChrist. Allowing Him to receive “ that which is of most value in your life” Your soul with your adoration and praise … pleasing fragrance for Our Savior and fill the whole house. This woman cracked open the alabaster flask as a sign of her gratitude. Jesus like the alabaster flask rended Himself on the cross in order to spray over you and me the perfume of “SALVATION”

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people... With whom I could share the hope I have in our Lord JesusChrist. Encounter with those that thirst and hunger for the Word of God. Satan has robbed so many people's joy,health, peace from their hearts ... destroyed so many homes and lured so many youth... dragging them into the dark world of drugs, prostitution and alcholism. Therefore; I am asking the Lord to use me as one of His beacons of light in guiding them safely to the path of eternal life.

My Blog


" Y nosotros no hemos recibido el espíritu del mundo, sino el Espíritu que proviene de Dios, para que sepamos lo que Dios nos ha concedido."                                                             ...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 19:16:00 GMT

La Apostasia Parte 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjSaHb1e0r0 Este video va junto con el articulo de el 28 de Febrero 2008
Posted by on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 17:19:00 GMT


Un muchacho notó un libro lleno de polvo encima de un estante alto. Eso despertó su curiosidad, por lo que preguntó a su madre acerca del libro. Avergonzada, la madre explicó precipitadamente: "Ah, es...
Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 10:26:00 GMT

Sus sacerdotes violaron Mi Ley, contaminaron mis santuarios

..>..> ..> Judas 3-8 3 Amados, por la gran solicitud que tenía de escribiros acerca de nuestra común salvación, me ha sido necesario escribiros exhortándoos que contendáis ardientemente por la fe qu...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:44:00 GMT

~~~~ El ESPIRITU ~~~~

La parte mas importante de elser humanoes su espiritu. Este es el lugar donde el Espíritu Santo toma  lugar en forma personal despues de que hemos aceptado a Cristo. Es el lugar  del tr...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 06:36:00 GMT

Solamente Atraves Del Espiritu

Salomón tenia un problema bastante díficil. Nadie  en el mundo era capaz de ayudarle, de consolarlo o de entenderle. El habia pedido sabiduria y esta le habia sido dada por Dios. La sabiduria lle...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 07:55:00 GMT

Tiempo de llorar, y tiempo de reir; tiempo de ... (Ecles.3:4)

Llorar es la expresión de la pena del espíritu humano, y tiene un efecto limpiador y purificador  dentro de ese mismo espíritu. El de llorar a menudo es una reación expontánea a algun estimulo qu...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 05:00:00 GMT

Lo Que Magnifica Todo

Posted by on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 10:38:00 GMT

La Oracion Que Cambia A Un Mundo 

Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 14:17:00 GMT

Integridad - Fidelidad - Lealtad

Que el Todopoderoso este derramando una nueva unción sobre todos y cada uno de ustedes en este hermoso día.  Amén.Hermanos en Cristo Jesús; hoy más que nunca se exige de nosotros, la iglesia, una...
Posted by on Mon, 28 May 2007 10:20:00 GMT