Excited First Daughter profile picture

Excited First Daughter

Your safe here 'cause this is a Profilactic....

About Me

Welcome to the official Excited First Daughter page of excuses. We invite you to have a listen to us beating our heads against a wall. I don't care what anybody says beating your head against a wall in 7/8 is still more fun than 4/4. The Top 24 is a collection of our newest friends. Thanks to all of you who have spent the time listening, adding us and commenting. It is really appreciated.------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------Now on to the stuff about the band on this page......EXCITED FIRST DAUGHTER - Is a trio and has been together for about 25 years. They have released 2 cassettes and 2 CD's. Currently they are working on their 5th release. With the exception of the Hammer Song ( second CD ) the music on this site is from live jams

My Interests


Member Since: 8/31/2006
Band Website: members.shaw.ca/e1d/home.htm
Band Members: davidlargewoodwith10piecesofstretchedwireonitandmelodicwords paulmorewoodwith6piecesofwireonitandmelodicwordwarrblesand qwoodwithskinstretchedoveritforthatthumpywumpysound.
Influences: Sometimes Q influences david and david influences paul who in turn influences Q which may or may not influence david but may influence paul which in turn may influence david or q which may influence paul in which case there's a good chance that they influence themselves which may start the whole process again in reverse or in a random way similiar to chaos.
Sounds Like: They're making it up as the go along while being influenced by forces beyond their control.
Record Label: Short for Indiana Jones........
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

And so, at last...

Well, Hello, and welcome to the Excited First Daughter myspace. Paul here, saying thanks to David for putting this thing together. We were at the CyberCity gig last night, and after listening to Mauri...
Posted by Excited First Daughter on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 11:29:00 PST