dISSIMULA+OR profile picture


Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

About Me

Complete album absolutely free!

Download the album Transmundane by dISSIMULA+OR from www.dissimulator.com now! Don’t miss out; it’s completely free!

Web Audio Artist, dISSIMULA+OR has been rocking it out for nigh on 3 decades. A dedicated hardcore guitarist, dISSIMULA+OR is most at home with high tempo metal grooves.

Rather than go down the traditional music publishing route Dizzi has chosen to release the new album Transmundane completely free over the internet. "I hate all that corporate nonsense" says Dizzi. "The internet is a wonderful thing and I love the freedom it provides. It's all about sharing as far as I'm concerned."

Visit www.dissimulator.com now for all the latest news and free mp3 downloads.

dissimulator n. A person who conceals (their real feelings) by pretence. A type of beguiler, cheat, cheater, deceiver, slicker, trickster. But then aren't we all?

My Interests


Member Since: 8/28/2006
Band Website: dissimulator.com
Band Members:



Dizzi was raised on good old British heavy metal from the likes of Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. In fact, the first album in Dizzi’s record collection was Led Zeppelin III, bought for his birthday when he was 11.

Since his teenage years Dizzi has thrashed the guitar to an unreasonable degree. However, Dizzi sites one person as genuinely changing his outlook on guitar practice. "I borrowed a Hot Licks instructional cassette tape from a friend and it truly changed my life. The tape was by Steve Morse and he opened my eyes to the world of chromatic fingering exercises and religious guitar practice. I was never the same again."

Since then Dizzi’s influences have broadened considerably and include the likes of Jazz master Miles Davis and king of slide blues Elmore James.

From the contemporary music scene Dizzi gets his jollies from the likes of Mastodon, Gojira, Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson (to name but a few).

But Dizzi is quick to recognise that it is the people closest to you that have the greatest influence. For many years Dizzi has worked with fellow MySpacer Doktor Fell to produce music in genres from dark Gothic progressive rock to lighter, largely acoustic work. Drop by Doktor Fell’s profile for a sample of his expansive techno-glory.

Sounds Like: God alone knows.
Record Label: dISSIMULA+OR
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Dizzi's gear

When he was a teenager Dizzi desperately wanted an electric guitar. He washed dishes in a restaurant for 2 years before he had saved up enough money to buy his first electric instrument; a Gibson Les ...
Posted by dISSIMULA+OR on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 02:26:00 PST

New tunes, new album; and all free!

At last! The final mixes for the album Transmundane are ready and it's time to unleash them on an unsuspecting world.Four of the tunes can be previewed here at MySpace but the whole album is available...
Posted by dISSIMULA+OR on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 11:34:00 PST