KB and Carmen Tango profile picture

KB and Carmen Tango

A Tango Romance Mi Amour...our 3rd year TANGO anniversary is Feb. 14th ! on Valentines Day !

About Me

KB, a passionate musical performer, and Carmen, a designer with a desire to dance, began their romance with Argentine Tango on February 14, 2004. As a Valentine's Day date, they attended a local cultural event that featured a night of tango dancing. They were immediately captivated by the dynamic ochos, molinetes and ganchos! Ever since, they have attended classes regularly with accomplished instructor, Anita Converse, and have studied intensively with several international teachers and performers including: Claudio Fortes & Dianna Schancez, Angel Garcia Clemente, Tate (Julio Cesar Di Chiazza), Anton Gazenbeek and Natalie Laruccia, Colette Herbert and Richard Council and Pulpe Esbrez and Luiza Paes.KB and Carmen enjoy the dynamic nuevo/salon styles as well as the passionate close-embrace milonguero style. They strive to blend the contemporary with the traditional in their own elegant dance style.Their performance highlights include: Fashion Week Cleveland 2007,Erie Art Museum's Tango Extraordinary 2007, Fox 8 TV Morning Show — Kickin' It with Kenny ,Boo at the Zoo, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Private Wedding Reception Performances,The Old Arcade Holiday Music Showcase, Cleveland, Akron's First Night New Year's Eve Celebration,Dance and Theatre Events, Cleveland Public Theatre's Pandemonium 07,Cleveland Playhouse, Yalla Let's Dance Annual Show, Gray's Armory, Wolstein Center, Cleveland, Annual Ballroom Gala, Akron, Community and Cultural Events, Cleveland's Sparx in the City,The Akron Women's City Club Bridal Extravaganza, GO Show — Business & Community Expo,Quirk Cultural Center's 20th Anniversary Celebration, Cleveland Museum of Natural History Halloween Party,Civic Center, Independence, Art Gallery Openings and Events,The Galleria Holiday Art Show, Cleveland, Artist Review Today Gallery, Cleveland,Eye Candy Gallery, Tremont Art Walk, MAMA LIA Art Walk, Lakewood,Mocha Maiden Gallery, Akron...They are performing their beautiful Tango regionally in the Ohio and Mid-west area. Look for them at a Milonga near you....or contact them to dance at your event or special occasion...please check out their website at www.kbandcarmentango.com ..

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

KB and Carmen's next Tango Performance will be at The Grey's Armory . Downtown Cleveland OH. for the Waiting Child Mardi-Gras FUNdraising event Saturday, March 1st. 2008, 7 pm till midnight, tickets $65 . Email [email protected] or Call 216.692.1161 Grey's Armory, 1234 Bolivar, Cleveland, OH... for more info visit---- www.kbandcarmentango.com for more info visit---- www.kbandcarmentango.comGet an extra day of TANGO this year on Feb 29th with KB and Carmen ! Mark you Calendars for a LEAP YEAR Tango Party ! Tango Leap Year is on Friday, February 29,2008 at the Cavana Ballroom with KB and Carmen. This calendar alignment won't happen again until 2036 !




KB and Carmen Argentine Tango action montage
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KB and Carmens New Argentine Tango Video Montage

KB and Carmen Argentine Tango action montage Add to My Profile | More VideosKB and Carmen Argentine Tango action Edited by Chris Kline..for more info visitwww.kbandcarmentango.comthank you...
Posted by KB and Carmen Tango on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:56:00 PST

KB and Carmens next Tango Performance: Leap Year Tango Cavana Ballroom Cleveland OH

KB and Carmen's next Tango Performance will be at The Cavana Ballroom for a Leap Year Tango Party, Cleveland, OH...Get an extra day of TANGO this year on Feb 29th with KB and Carmen !Mark you Calendar...
Posted by KB and Carmen Tango on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 08:56:00 PST

A personal letter from KB, please take a moment of your time to read.

Hi my friend,I hope this letter finds you and your family well, in good health and great spirits.Please find in your heart a moment to truly read this letter as I am personally taking the time to put ...
Posted by KB and Carmen Tango on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 07:49:00 PST

KB is awarded Music Teacher Icon of the Year in Cleveland for 2007!

KB has been chosen by the Cleveland Entertainment Coalition as the Music Teacher Icon of the year for 2007 .. He will be recognized for his excellence and perseverance as a music teacher and performin...
Posted by KB and Carmen Tango on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 10:26:00 PST

Tanghitis.. ie. tango infection

In 1999 a researcher of Tanghitis published a list of symptoms, some of which are given below. Since then research has continued and recently many other less obvious symptoms, have also been found.You...
Posted by KB and Carmen Tango on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 08:30:00 PST

Tango Junkie Test ...

You know you're a tango junkie when...- When you realize the milonga is where you see all your friends.- Walking into new buildings and noticing potential dance space to tango.- You cross state and/or...
Posted by KB and Carmen Tango on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 08:25:00 PST

Great Tango Quotes

How did you choose the tango? ... I didn't. The tango chose me." -- the Tango Lesson"most music exists to heal wounds: but tango music is for the purpose of opening them, for the purpose of sticking ...
Posted by KB and Carmen Tango on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 07:18:00 PST

Tango Dictionary of Terminology

A Guide to Tango TerminologyPronunciation Guide: .. In Buenos Aires 'll' or 'y' is pronounced 'zh', almost an English 'j'; .. a 'qu' sounds like the 'c' in cat; .. a 'z' is pronounced like 's'; .. and...
Posted by KB and Carmen Tango on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 07:36:00 PST

Tango Etiquette: All Tango dancers should read this blog

This was written by our tango friend Ney Melo,if you have read this before please go to the new addition by KB near the end for ..13or reread in full for a refresher. Tango Etiquette: The Do's and Do...
Posted by KB and Carmen Tango on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 07:56:00 PST

We are happy to be alive after flight 0907 !

Hi everyone.Sometimes life throws you a serious heads up !Carmen and I just got home from a 2 week adventure tripto Greece and the Greek Islands. (Ancient ruins, medieval monasteries, islands, ouzo, d...
Posted by KB and Carmen Tango on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 07:01:00 PST