About Me
KB, a passionate musical performer, and Carmen, a designer with a desire to dance, began their romance with Argentine Tango on February 14, 2004. As a Valentine's Day date, they attended a local cultural event that featured a night of tango dancing. They were immediately captivated by the dynamic ochos, molinetes and ganchos!
Ever since, they have attended classes regularly with accomplished instructor, Anita Converse, and have studied intensively with several international teachers and performers including: Claudio Fortes & Dianna Schancez, Angel Garcia Clemente, Tate (Julio Cesar Di Chiazza), Anton Gazenbeek and Natalie Laruccia, Colette Herbert and Richard Council and Pulpe Esbrez and Luiza Paes.KB and Carmen enjoy the dynamic nuevo/salon styles as well as the passionate close-embrace milonguero style. They strive to blend the contemporary with the traditional in their own elegant dance style.Their performance highlights include:
Fashion Week Cleveland 2007,Erie Art Museum's Tango Extraordinary 2007,
Fox 8 TV Morning Show — Kickin' It with Kenny ,Boo at the Zoo, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo,
Private Wedding Reception Performances,The Old Arcade Holiday Music Showcase, Cleveland,
Akron's First Night New Year's Eve Celebration,Dance and Theatre Events,
Cleveland Public Theatre's Pandemonium 07,Cleveland Playhouse,
Yalla Let's Dance Annual Show, Gray's Armory, Wolstein Center, Cleveland,
Annual Ballroom Gala, Akron, Community and Cultural Events,
Cleveland's Sparx in the City,The Akron Women's City Club Bridal Extravaganza,
GO Show — Business & Community Expo,Quirk Cultural Center's 20th Anniversary Celebration,
Cleveland Museum of Natural History Halloween Party,Civic Center, Independence,
Art Gallery Openings and Events,The Galleria Holiday Art Show, Cleveland,
Artist Review Today Gallery, Cleveland,Eye Candy Gallery, Tremont Art Walk,
MAMA LIA Art Walk, Lakewood,Mocha Maiden Gallery, Akron...They are performing their beautiful Tango regionally in the Ohio and Mid-west area. Look for them at a Milonga near you....or contact them to dance at your event or special occasion...please check out their website at www.kbandcarmentango.com