Global Cooling, Sustainable Peace, Animal Welfare, trilobites, and magnets.
Serious independent artists, artists that make eye candy, labels, film and video makers, online radio folks, and people interested in sensible things like music, and real and selfless friendship.
Indie music first and foremost, Kate Bush, Deaf School, Anoushka Shankar, theNewNo2, Nige n Trev, OnOffOn, Andrea Perry, Ringo (why did you push the button?) Starr, Mike Oldfield, and a whole load of others I'll add when I get more time.
Kevin Smith films, Lions Gate Films, Carry On movies, David Lean films, Scarface..
Angel.. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.. CSI.. Little Britain.. BBC World News.. The Bill.. The Mighty Boosh.. The Weather Network.
Richard Branson (Losing My Virginity), Graham Greene, Emily Bronte, Jane Austen,
Spinal Tap, James Marsters (Spike), George Harrison, Del Preston (from Waynes World 2), Billy Preston, Keef Richards, Frank Zappa, John Lennon, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Richard Branson, Sir George Martin, Linda McCartney, Mick Clack (and everyone at Rooftop), Von Babasin (OnOffOn), Sharon Osbourne, Denis Leary, Woody Allen, Elvis Costello..