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Freakies Cereal

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I'd like to meet:

Oh we are the Freakies We are the Freakies And this is our Freakies TreeAnd we never miss a meal Cause we love our cerealThis is the Big Boss We call him BossMoss Make sure you spell it rightSnorkeldorf they call me So handsome and prettyHere’s little Hamhose He’s got a weird nose Do I really have to sing?My name is Grumble I am Cowmumble You’re standing on my footGargle is his name Smartness is my game I know more than you doAnd don’t forget me I’m Goody-Goody I always do what’s right For instance, I eat Freakies cause it’s got a lot of vitamins and it’s good for meOh we are the Freakies We are the Freakies And this is our Freakies Tree Yessir...


A "comeback" in the 80's...

My Blog

Channel Z

Alot of people say that none of their friends remember Freakies Cereal.  well, that's nothing compared to the "channel Z fiasco"!  when I was a kid in 1977 cable tv finally came to west mich...
Posted by Freakies Cereal on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:09:00 PST