Transient.SOUND.Supporting pure channels of sound.Swimming in sound, sun bathing my ass with sound, messin' with sound mind, talking softly to sound, inhaling sound deeply...nibbling gently on sound, lovin' all up on sound, dreaming sound, complete silence.- - - - - - - - - - - Raising Consciousness. Nourishing Destiny.Nature and all it's manifestations of Chi batteries.Neuronal Play.Energy...."Five Element Acupuncture"Amazing men and women.Enough about me...what you got???
Ananda within Nityatva. -----Bliss within timeless totality. Coo?" "" "Samma Vaca, Samma Kammanta, Samma Ajiva-"SILAKKHANDHA"
MY ONLY REDEEMER. BRING IT ON. Word."Much respect and props to you all that make the 'ME' vibrate at a higher octave. Diggin' your expression: the glue of our collective manifestation-adore, every day, adore." MY GOD. There is more damn good artists than there is people!
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Utmost Respect to Norman Chapters for SPEAKING, BREATHING AND LIVING TRUTH.Change
That which cannot be named tis the SHIT! and sometimes when I need a SUPER hero I call on ma Fuzzy.Forever grateful to you...