Shiny things.
William Shatner and James Earl Jones. If I could....they would be my ideal roomates. And I'd do things just so I could hear them fight, like put James Earl Jones peanut butter in Shatner's room and then just hide in the corner giggling while I watch them go at it. That's probably one of my all time dreams.
Nothing extreme, but I appreciate all genres.
Garden State, Donnie Darko, Heat, Ghostbusters, Castle in the Sky (pretty much any movie by studio ghibli).
SAMURAI JACK. Best damn thing I've seen in a while.
Ender's Game, The Talisman and any other book by Orson Scott Card or Stephen King. The Alchemist...f#$%ing fantastic.
Samurai Jack. He's a fantastic person, very honourable...I respect that. Even though he's a cartoon. And Ms Vickie. She makes ridiculous chips...especially the honey & roasted garlic. I could pop from eating those. Can't find a picture of them, but these are just as good...sometimes.People just take you more seriously with a big bag of chips on your page.