Paul Sielski Sr R-MD GOP Conservative Father F4J profile picture

Paul Sielski Sr R-MD GOP Conservative Father F4J

USMC Semper Fidelis! (R-MD) Conservative Support for Military, Veterans, FireFighters, Fathers &

About Me

I am a Patriotic American Catholic, Former US Marine ( 31st MEU Command Element SOC "Tip of the Spear") , with a Polish Cultural Heritage on my Fathers side and a 256 year old American Heritage on my Mothers side.
A "Son Of The American Revolution" "" descendant of the "MINUTE MAN" Corporal Michael Nipher, Fourth Company, 11th Regiment, Albany County Militia, NY.
"THE MINUTE MAN" lists my Great Grandparents lineage on, page 176 of the National Bulletin, National Society Sons of American Revolution) , Volume XXII June, 1927.

My Interests

Sir Bob Geldof, K.B.E., author of the hit song, "I Don't Like Mondays", performed by The Boomtown Rats, and promoter of BAND AID and LIVE AID, speaks out on Father's Child Custody Rights, sparking "Fathers 4 Justice" (F4J) Demonstrations all across Western Nations. "Justice is Coming" for Fathers & Children in the United States! The Founding Fathers of the United States of America would never have allowed Father's to be seperated from thier children. Micah 7 verse 20; "Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob, and the mercy to Abraham, which thou hast sworn unto our fathers from the days of old."

I'd like to meet:

Pope Benedict XVI, President Bush and Family
Watch Jim Gilchrist "in his own words" on Fox's Neil Cavuto show, defer to Marvin Stewart as taking the lead on the Columbia University Law Suit as an "esteemed Member of the Board of Directors" of the Minuteman Project, Inc.
Marvin Stewart is now President and Deborah Courtney is now the Treasurer of the Minuteman Project, Inc. as well as representatives of the majority of the Board of Directors of the Minuteman Project, Inc.
The Board of Directors took action and removed and fired Jim Gilchrist from the organization because of blantant fraud and criminal activity on the part of Jim Gilchrist, his wife, Sandy Gilchrist and his partners in crime Stephen Eichler, Tim Bueler, Tommy Hugh Crenshaw, Linda Muller and Nathan Muller.


Fathers For Justice (F4J) December 21, 2006 Boston Demonstration - Superhero dads fight for their parental rights.

BOSTON -- They can't leap tall buildings, nor are they faster than a speeding lawnmower. Instead, a group of "superhero" dads are using their powers to fight for their rights.



Collector Edition Signed Books avaiable (ClickME) at The Minutemen For Truth www.
Minutemen: The Battle to Secure America's Borders (Hardcover) by Congressman Tom Tancredo (Foreword), Jim Gilchrist (Author), Jerome R. Corsi (Author)
Note: These excerpts are from an unedited review copy
CHAPTER ONE - 3 The Minuteman Project Begins: Jim Gilchrist & American Heroes
CHAPTER TWO - 19 The Trojan Horse Invasion
CHAPTER THREE - 47 The Crisis in Social services: Taxing the Middle Class
CHAPTER FOUR - 75 The 21st Century Slave Trade: The "Guest Worker: Amnesty
CHAPTER FIVE - 101 Deputy David March: Killers Fleeing Justice in Mexico
CHAPTER SIX -131 Street Gangs and Drug Cartels: Crime - Mexico's #1 Export
CHAPTER SEVEN - 161 Terrorists, Please Cross Here! The Breakdown in the "War" on Terror
CHAPTER EIGHT - 185 The Mess in Mexico: Poverty, Oil, NAFTA & the Threat to American Sovereignty
CHAPTER NINE - 245 Protests, SI! -- Parades, No! Minutemen Denied Free Speech Rights
CHAPTER TEN The Reconquista Movement: Mexico's Plan for the American Southwest
CHAPTER ELEVEN - 273 Breaking the Law with God? - Cardinal Mahoney & the Catholic Church
CHAPTER TWELVE - 311 It's the Border, Stupid! The "Tough Love" Solution


General Casmir Pulaski, Pope John Paul II, President Ronald Reagan, General & President George Washington, President Abraham Lincoln, General Peter Pace, Lt Col. Oliver North, John E. O'Neill, R. Lee Ermey, Phyllis Schlafly, Christina Hoff Sommers, Kate O'Beirne, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity

My Blog

Check out this event: Rally Picnic Fathers-4-Justice Los Angeles

Hosted By: Los Angeles South Bay ChapterWhen: Sunday Jan 13, 2008 at 10:00 AMWhere: Columbia Park at the corner of W 190th St & Prairi4001 W 190th StTorrance, California|5 90503United States...
Posted by Paul Sielski Sr R-MD GOP Conservative Father F4J on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 09:51:00 PST

National Fatherhood Summit - A smashing success in Michigan

Battle Creek EnquirerBy Angela Pedersen, R.N. =/20080106/NEIGHBORHOODS03/801060324The January 4th 2008 National Fatherhood Summit - A nation...
Posted by Paul Sielski Sr R-MD GOP Conservative Father F4J on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 05:49:00 PST

Local church hosts national fatherhood summit - Grand Rapids, MI

Local church hosts national fatherhood summitby Christa GrabanWatch Video Report 5759GRAND RAPIDS  West Michigan's first summit focused on Fatherh...
Posted by Paul Sielski Sr R-MD GOP Conservative Father F4J on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 05:46:00 PST

Mad Max of ON,0,3757301 .story?page=1&coll=la-home-centerPosted by;Deborah CourtneyMember of the Board of Directors,Minuteman Project, Inc.MinutemenForTruth.comDebo...
Posted by Paul Sielski Sr R-MD GOP Conservative Father F4J on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 11:44:00 PST

Barbara Coe founder of CCIR & CA's Prop 187 speaks out on Gilchrist Simcox Frauds

May 31, 2007More Minuteman turmoil an_turmoil.htmlFrank Mickadeit included a little in his column yesterday about the turmoil among the Minuteman Ci...
Posted by Paul Sielski Sr R-MD GOP Conservative Father F4J on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 04:12:00 PST

Minuteman should show donors the money

As published by the Washington Times; .htmMinuteman should show donors the money Both Minuteman organizations  the Minuteman Civil Defense Cor...
Posted by Paul Sielski Sr R-MD GOP Conservative Father F4J on Thu, 31 May 2007 12:33:00 PST

Destruction of the US family by Govt Documented in new film

Overzealous Efforts to 'Collect' Alleged Overdue Child Support Are Unconscionable, Says Filmmaker, Aginelo Productions OCEANSIDE, Calif., May 29 /PRNewswire/ -- California-based filmmakerAngelo Lob...
Posted by Paul Sielski Sr R-MD GOP Conservative Father F4J on Wed, 30 May 2007 01:22:00 PST


PRESS RELEASE - The Minuteman Project, Inc. - May 29, 2007FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECONTACT:Minuteman Project, Inc.Deborah Courtney, Treasurer &,Member of the Board of DirectorsOffice: (714) 508-5789Debora...
Posted by Paul Sielski Sr R-MD GOP Conservative Father F4J on Tue, 29 May 2007 08:38:00 PST

Rep Bartlett's (R-MD) Constituents Outraged about Immigration Debate

Contact: Lisa Wright [email protected] Roscoe Bartlett: My Constituents Are Outraged Because Their Voices Aren't Being Heard in Senate Immigration Debate Washington, Ma...
Posted by Paul Sielski Sr R-MD GOP Conservative Father F4J on Tue, 22 May 2007 09:26:00 PST

CAMPO Minuteman MAD Max might be moving on!

Friday, May 18, 2007Minuteman Max might be moving on 1698605.php Return of the anti(Gil)christ, plus 'Housewives'!FRANK MICKADEITRegiste...
Posted by Paul Sielski Sr R-MD GOP Conservative Father F4J on Fri, 18 May 2007 01:35:00 PST