Tom Tancredo 2008 profile picture

Tom Tancredo 2008

About Me

***ATTENTION-- This is NOT Rep. Tancredo's personal profile. Please click my #1 friend for the man himself!***Tom Tancredo is a Republican member of Congress from Colorado and one of America's leading campaigners for immigration reform. He has built a national reputation for standing up to the Washington establishment and taking on the issues that matter to everyday Americans. In his fight to protect the borders and American jobs he has traveled the nation, often making headlines as he goes. Tancredo is featured regularly in newspapers and magazines and is a frequent guest on TV channels such as Fox News and CNN. Tancredo has never been afraid to tell it like is and because of this he has often come under fire from the political elite who are more interested in listening to lobbyists than normal working families. They have tried many times and many different ways to stifle or silent Tancredo but despite this his popularity and his movement continue to grow.

My Interests

Tom Tancredo

Add to My Profile | More Videos Announcing 2008 presidential exploratory committee Tom Tancredo Speaks at CPAC 2007 (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) Current "Reconquista Movement" of the "Nation of Aztlan"

I'd like to meet:

The complete wall between the United States and Mexico.

My Blog

Join the 'Tancredo for President!' MySpace Group

Network and discuss the issues with fellow Tancredo supporters on MySpace-- click here!...
Posted by Tom Tancredo 2008 on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:14:00 PST

Team Tancredo 2008

Check out Tom's new website,!  Here you can read his bio, sign up for news updates via e-mail, contribute to his campaign, and see where he stands on the issues....
Posted by Tom Tancredo 2008 on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 01:10:00 PST

Add the Official Tom Tancredo MySpace Profile!

Dear friends of Rep. Tancredo, This is only a tribute profile that was set up several months ago by a supporter.  Mr. Tancredo now has his own official profile, and would love to add you there! T...
Posted by Tom Tancredo 2008 on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 01:38:00 PST